6 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day. The lens of success made it a nearly perfect 70 and sunny for a Hot Potato Q. According to legend it went a little something like this.
Hardywood COP: Mosey to duck pond, grab a rock and mosey to the base of the Hill of Ill Repute.
10 Hand Release Merkins (arms out to the side) regular, 10 HRM right leg up, 10 HRM left leg up
20 Mark Spitz (modified flutter kicks with arms extended straight over head)
20 Squats with rock
10 SSH Regular, 10 SSH Right Leg, 10 SSH Left Leg
Pass to Bootleg: Dora
Partner up. One partner run up to the light and back. Other partner is doing exercises. Switch until completion.
Exercises – 100 Dips, 100 LBC, 100 Lt. Dan
Pass to Flatline: Carry The Baby
One partner runs with the rock. Once that partner gets to a lamp post they call out in vain to the other partner and start doing squats. Now, stay with me here. The other partner that was called, starts running. When they get to the partner who was squatting, they grab the rock and run to the next light pole. While that partner is running with the rock, the partner who was squatting and waiting now starts doing mountain climbers until the partner with the rock gets to the next light pole. Do this all the way around the pond. Some how there were actually minimal verbal directions given here and we managed to pull it off.
Pass to Wheelbarrow: Lindsey
Decline Merkins/Box Jumps, 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30
Pass to Swirly: Check Your Head
Start walking up hill with the rock over your head. At the first light pole, bring it close to chest. Alternate this until the flat area. Put rocks up and mosey back to the start. Unlike most of the NFL we completed this task without a concussion or getting anyone pregnant.
Numberama, namerama, YHC took us out.
Moleskin: Despite some clouds and a little rain, this group of men chose to laugh, support and challenge one another. Even on the hardest days, there can be a little sunshine. Just because your eyes can’t see it doesn’t mean your heart can’t feel it.
Register for CSAUP if you haven’t already.
Flatline has a hard job this week that he is more than capable of doing.
Thanks for bringing it fellas!
Enjoyed it fella’s – way to work. Great way to start the week !
See y’all in the gloom…
Great job guys – glad I made it out of bed…always the best way to start a Monday!
Great to have you back out wheelbarrow!
Great work guys. A Holiday Monday Smokefest to kick off the work week. Well done.
Glad to see Flatline taking comfort in the gloom surrounded by the strength of this group. Beautiful!
Good job! Glad to see Wheelbarrow back and have Flatline join us.
Double value coupon week! We’re starting out ahead!
Great workout men. Hardywood-excellent use of coupons! I will always be a privilege. And yes Gumbo, there is comfort in the gloom surrounded by the strength of all PAX members.
Thank you to everyone for the hugs, text messages, emails and phone calls!!
Hail F3RVA!