Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Hoedown

Tuckahoe Elementary

Twelve body sculpting craftsmen shook off the chill of a late February morning in time to answer the work bell for the latest edition of the Hoedown. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the guy breaking into the Third Church construction site, the following might have happened: Mosey across the school parking lot, stairs, and grass, then over Forest to the Third Church parking lot (but just left of the normal spot) for the COP. SSHs x50IW’s x20Dead Man Hang (with elbow grab)Fudd’s WifeWilson’s WifePigeon right, pigeon leftFudd’s WifeLBC’sReverse CrunchesFlutter kicksHRMs x15 Mosey across the front of Third Church,…

14 Scholars of the Morn, joined by a lost FNG, rose sooner than most of their Westhoe neighbors to converge onto the darkened lot of Tuckahoe Elementary. Fudd’s arrival signaled the start of the day so off we go. According to the Westhoe Ring cameras, here is how things went down… Mosey to the Church Executive Parking Lot for introductions, disclaimers and to welcome our new FNG. Warmups included SSH’s, DQ’s, Dead Man Hang, Jazzercise (with toe taps), Merkins, WWII’s & Freddie Mercuries. All is good, let us move on. COP #1: Mosey to the commoner church lot to collect…

Five Hoedown regulars showed up the morning after Taylor Swift’s boyfriend’s team won the Super Bowl wondering why it was so quiet across RVA. Realizing that no one had signed up to Q, a hot potato commenced. Oyster Q COP – Deadman hang, Squats, Don Quixote, Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Merkins Mosey down to the carpool drop off circle for modified triple check, aka double check. Timers run around the circle while others do Merkins and then mountain climbers. Faceplant Q Mosey up to pull up bars for a second double check. One group does 5 pull ups while the other…

14 of the Most Interesting Men in Westhoe converged for a Monday morning beatdown. Here’s what happened: COP in the first Third Church lot: Deadman hang // DQs // Imperial Walkers // Ukranian Soldiers // LBCs // Hand Release Merkins // a whole lot of Pickle Pounders. Mosey to Third middle lot Jump Rope Triple Check: P1: Jump Rope // P2: Plank Jacks // P3: Run the loop, Bernie Sanders the second half. Mosey back to TES dropoff loop. Elevens: Grab a place on the wall. 1 Mike Tyson on the wall, bearcrawl to the other side, 10 WW2s, lunge…

11 HIM posted for a Fudd beatdown at TES. Mosey to the 3rd parking lot for COP. SSH’s, helicopters, DQ’s, plank, merkins, stretches, flutter kicks, HTH, arm circles. Mosey to the blacktop for some tunes and ground & pound. 1st song – Beat It – hold plank and do 1 shoulder tap merkin each time MJackson sings “Beat It”. Not sure how many we did in total but it felt like a lot. 2nd song – The Beast by Sixwire – rotate between 4 exercises, changing with each new riff/song. Squats, forward alternating lunges, backwards alternating lunges, speedskaters. 3rd song…

10 Burpee eating machines made their way out of the heated cars to see what was on todays agenda. Just as our COP was ending Face Plant made it 11. According to School administration this is what may or may not have happened. Mosey up to the play area for COP SSH’s, one Burpee (OYO), DQ’s, two Burpees (OYO), Helicopters, three Burpees (OYO), Imperial Walkers, four Burpees (OYO), WWII, (Oyster made us do 10 Burpees OYO), Rosalitta’s, Hello Dollies and American Hammers Mosey to the church parking lot Four corners #1 10 – Hand Release Merkins, 20 – Merkins, 30…

But not during the workout. I grew up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and so I still like seeing snow. Mosey to corner Parking lot and give standard disclaimer 20 SSHs 10 Man-Maker Merkins 15 Crunchy Frogs Stretch Mosey to Asphalt playground 20 IWs 10 Diamond Merkins 10 each side Suzanne Sommers Stretch Mosey to corner parking lot 20 Squats 10 Stagger Arm Merkins 15 Knee Ups Stretch Mosey to asphalt playground 10 Don Quixotes 10 Stagger Arm Merkins 15 Ukrainian Hammers Stretch Line up on sidewalk to the asphalt playground for 11s Mike Tyson & V-Ups To the grass…

A dozen gathered at Hoedown to kick off the second week of 2024. After a long Q hiatus, YHC was excited to get back to work – here’s how it went: Extended mosey to pick up stragglers and head to the office parking lot for COP w/heavy mumble chatter, 20xSSH, DMH, 10xHC, 10xCP, 10xLBC, 10x interrupted merkins, and off to round one, a 5 min drill. Partners alternated ascending burpees and wall sits, starting at 5 burpees and increasing until the 5 min clock ran out. After a quick jaunt across Forest, we partnered up again for three laps around…

The four of us looked at each other and asked: “who’s the Q for today”? Someone responded “your mom” signed up as Q. Apparently, she fart-sacked and so we had a ‘hot potato’. The following is approximately correct. Wedding Singer started out with a mosey to the 3rd Presbyterian parking lot for: 20 SSHs in cadence 10 Don Quixotes in cadence Stretching 10 Merkins in cadence And then we moseyed over to the office building beside the school for 20 WWIIs in cadence 20 Freddy Mercuries in cadence Mosey to the parking lot behind building (very short distance) and partnered…

YHC woke up, saw the snow, and decided not to leave the level of moistness to chance. Mosey to the covered walkway COP Dead Man Hang Good Mornings Don Quixotes Ukranian Soldiers Helicopters Copperhead Squats Merkins Plank-o-rama LBCs WWIIs Triple Check 1 – Merkins, Bulgarian Squats, Bernie Up and Back Twice Triple Check 2 – Dips, Toe Taps, Bearcrawl Triple Check 3 – BTTW, Wall Sit, Run plus 5 Burpees Triple Check 4 – Freddie Mercurys, Heels to Heaven, Lunge Mary LBC-o-rama (Multiple variations x 15) Numberama, Nameorama, COT MOLESKIN YHC was pleasantly surprised to find snow this morning, but…

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