Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Timberwolf

32 and dark is the new 70 and sunny for 7 of the southsides finest. According to the trash man (who was about 30 minutes ahead of schedule) this is what happened Trash Man is blocking our path so internal Garman says Recalculating, Mosey back to the back side of the school by the Conex for COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Nancy Shows up (discussion about his bathroom routine) Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats Head to the wall for a triple check Partner 1 does Hoedowns, Partner 2 does Pole Smokers, Partner 3 runs to the first basketball post and back…

YHC was back from parts unknown and was ready to get back to work. Three able bodied gloom warriors and 2 partially able participants awaited. According to the garbage man here is what happened. COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Tic/Toc’s, Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Flutters, Dollies. The thang: 4 corners: 1st 2 on the track then 2nd 2 around the school the hard way. Exercises were 25 plank jacks, 50 squats, 75 LBC and 100 rotated: Merkins, Prom dates, flutter kicks and merkins again. Grab some wall for peoples…

7 curious minds gathered at this institution of higher learning to get their public education on. According to Acidemia and spell check here is what transpired. Mosey to the basketball court for COP DQ’s, Helicopters, SSH’s, Dead Man Hangs, Imperial Walkers, Heals to Heaven, Sugar Sticks, LBC’s Mosey to the track Lap around the track with one exercise stopping at the first straightaway for 10 reps, stop at the first curve for 20 reps, stop at the second straightaway for 30 reps and at the second corner stop for 40 reps Exercises are Jump Squats, Hillbillies, Lunges and an in…

6 titans of the gloom posted to Timberwolf to shake off a long week. Was 4 until Oyster came screaming in at launch! Then McRib rounded out the half dozen as we moseyed. No this was not the LPGA like you would think with my name. It was the venerable Light Pole Alley. We had a few newbies to the proper LPA so it was time to show them the way. According to the trash truck man here is what went down: COP- Mosey to the front lot so McRib could join us. 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s,…

12 dudes put in some work today at the Big Bad Timberwolf. Mosey to basketball court. Disclaimers, etc. Warmorama: SSH, tricep/arm stretch, slow and low squats (YHC confused PAX by saying “dips”. My bad!), Dead man hang, LBCs, Muricans, cobra stretch. To track: Part 1: Partner combo workout.  Round 1: Work with partner to perform 100 merkins. Partner not pushing is planking. 1 lap around track Round 2: Mountain Climber (double count) and dips (200). 1 lap around track Round 3: LBCs and squat jump (200/100) 1 lap around track Part 2: The Al Carmichael Line up along sideline of…

8 Popsicles found themselves in the almost freezing parking lot of Timberwolf wondering why they didn’t fart sack this morning or at least wondering “should I stay in the car?”. Mosey to the teachers lot for COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, Booty Scooters (We almost lost Hermie here, man down with an ab cramp) Mosey to the picnic tables and partner up Partner 1 does exercises while partner 2 runs to the last light and back (Dips, Step Ups, Wall Sits) Mosey to Light pole alley (find the ball & Chain with 12 frisbees) PAX does the exercise that…

Despite the gloom, rain, drive time, and injuries 12 men showed up today for my official VQ. Warm-up: Mosey to the bus loop for some tracers (jog down one line, shuffle to next line and Bernie back. Repeato from one end to other.Circle up – Welcome. Disclaimer.YHC led stretches followed by ’muricans. The Thang: 11s on the hill: Exercises ”rocky squat” and 2 count ’murican hammers. Sprint to top, rocky squat (squat + jab/jab = 1), back to bottom. Started 10:1 squat to hammer, finished 1:10 squat to hammer. 20 countTo the poles!: 10 light poles. 1:2:3 ratio of Burpees/Dry…

10 Southsiders made their way out of the Gloom and into the light of Timberwolf. According to the Principle here is what happened. Mosey to the main parking lot for COP YHC is nursing a bum shoulder so 1 Burpee was called to test it out. Nope, there is still no ability to push back up on the right side. DQ’s, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, Booty Scooters Mosey to light pole alley – Starting with 30 American Hammers at the first light, reduce by 3 at each new light burnie in between Mosey walk into tennis courts – 4 corners…

8 Dudes hit Timberwolf for a breezy beatdown this morning. COP – SSHs, Helicopters, Squats, Dead Man hang, Stretches, Jazzercise Mosey to back lot Lightpole Loop – On way around increase rep by 2, On way back decrease rep by 2 Dry Docks, Squats, SSHs, Monkey Humpers 100 LBCs Mosey to Lightpole Alley 20 reps (occasional burpee mixed in) at each lightpole LBCs, WWIIS, Lunge, Backwards Lunge, Mountain Climbers, Merkins Mosey to basketball Court – 5 up and backs and 1 Suicide BTF Numbers, Names, Hermes Took us out Honeymoon has the Murph at Twin Team Tomorrow PRAY FOR FLORIDA!…

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