Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Never miss a leg day


7 curious minds gathered at this institution of higher learning to get their public education on. According to Acidemia and spell check here is what transpired.

Mosey to the basketball court for COP

DQ’s, Helicopters, SSH’s, Dead Man Hangs, Imperial Walkers, Heals to Heaven, Sugar Sticks, LBC’s

Mosey to the track

Lap around the track with one exercise stopping at the first straightaway for 10 reps, stop at the first curve for 20 reps, stop at the second straightaway for 30 reps and at the second corner stop for 40 reps

Exercises are Jump Squats, Hillbillies, Lunges and an in order mix with Calf Raises for the last stop

Mosey up to the wall for a triple check

Partner 1 does wall sits, Partner 2 does SSH’s, Partner 3 does a quick lap around the island

Mosey BTTF for Man Killers

If you need some Merkins get them in if not do WWII’s until time is called

Numbers / Names Honeymoon took us out


YHC had pre planned a heavy on the legs day for today and the track always provides a good base for that. In a time when everything seems to be unraveling its nice to have a group that stays fairly consistent


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