Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Big Bad Wolf


12 dudes put in some work today at the Big Bad Timberwolf. 

Mosey to basketball court. Disclaimers, etc. 

Warmorama: SSH, tricep/arm stretch, slow and low squats (YHC confused PAX by saying “dips”. My bad!), Dead man hang, LBCs, Muricans, cobra stretch. 

To track:

Part 1: Partner combo workout. 

Round 1:

Work with partner to perform 100 merkins. Partner not pushing is planking. 

1 lap around track

Round 2: Mountain Climber (double count) and dips (200). 

1 lap around track

Round 3: LBCs and squat jump (200/100)

1 lap around track 

Part 2: The Al Carmichael

Line up along sideline of football field. Pax jog to the other sideline, do 10 reps of the exercise, then sprint back to the starting point and do 10 more. Six sets of this, changing the exercise each time. Exercises: 

Dry Docks


Part 3: Impromptu idea

Pax took turns with sprints up two story observation tower. Pax planks while waiting turn. Did I remind you to plank or what!?

Mosey back to flag….but wait there more…3 min left.

Round 4: Wall work.

Backs to wall. 1:2 ratio of Burpee to Donkey kicks OYO. I think POG get the win at 5/10.

Time! The wolf got moneys worth

Outro: Numbers and Names. 

Announcements: Duke at the Hill tmw. Honeymoon running the Murph at twin team. 

Prayers – Duke took us out. Prayers for all in the Pax. Prayers for recovery and healing for Honeymoon’s father. 


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