Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Source of Truth

Midlothian Middle

8 chilly pops rose from the fart sack with no Q on the sheet, so YHC took the helm amidst mumble chatter about Man Killers. Mosey to the COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Hill Billie’s, Russian Soldiers Mosey to the back alley Lunges, Box Jumps and mosey around the corner to the stairs Mosey to the track Half lap track work At each end of the track do exercise meet back at the first end repeato X4, Burpees X10, American Hammers X10, Squats X10 and ???? to cold to remember Mosey up the stairs to the back…

Well actually 6? YHC hit the snooze and was coming in hot. YHC found 6 warriors ready for the challenge of what the day would bring. 3 in the runners club and 3 in the beat down club. Tobit inquired with YHC if he wanted to run to which response was “ I will catch you all later and turned to leave”. Moments later made the same inquisition of DK to which DK responded with a face that showed years of pain. According to the rucksacker who passed near by with what appeared to be 60 lbs strapped on here…

In spite of brain freezing temperatures numbing the Q’s ability to count, SOT hosted a perfectly even six bootcamp gloom warriors and four escapees running into the gloomy distance. Here’s how the bootcamp PAX helped YHC to “just send it.” The THANG: COP #1: Mosey down to the lower LotWelcome & F3 DisclaimerLOTS of reps of LOTS of exercises, just trying to warm up and get loose COP #2: Mosey to the track for a good old Buddy-Toss-N-Barrow:Partner up to complete rotations of x20 PLT’s followed by x20 wheelbarrow pacesPartners alternate Toss-N-Barrows for the length of the straightaway. COP #3:…

11 strong rolled into to SOT for a Wednesday beat down., And this time it was sunny and 72 degrees. Wilson and YHC were splitting the Q today and had something fun in store. The air was just right for beat down, According the the bus driver this is what went down. Mosey to front lot. COP- YHC took lead- 30 SSH’s, 10 each Cherry pickers DQ’s, IW’s, Helicopters, Merkins, LBC’s, Flutters, Dollies. Mosey to door one. Many service members jammed to the Doors as they passed their time overseas and domestically. On Veterans Day we started with the door…

Gumbo started us off in Gumbo fashion with COP and triple check, then Wedding singer made us curb crawl and ANOTHER triple check, then Nancy took us to the track to do a FULL ring of fire (had to be there – almost seemed like Vinny returned for a hot minute), then with minutes to spare (10) passed to Wilson. Now, I realize the pass was to avoid writing the backblast. I get it. Nancy still has one to write from a few weeks back. It is a PAX responsibility to get the information out AND #BIGDATA (just saying). So…

8 men posted, 3 ran for their lives, leaving 5 to tackle the asphalt at SOT, it went something like this: Mosey around the parking lot an circle up near the cars for COP in case any LIFOs show up (none did). COP included: DQsHelicoptersSSHsImperial WalkersTempo MerkinsLBCs THE THANG Curb Crawl – Mosey to the front of the school for a good old fashioned curb crawl – up to 3, repeat 3, and back down. bear crawl/crawl bear in between – you know the drill. Mosey down to the large parking lot that is no longer packed with buses since…

11 strong showed up in the parking lot of SOT this morning, Wilson and Duke went one way 7 more went another way leaving YHC and Rosco wondering what just happened. YHC decided to take the bull by the horns and lead a two man party. After COP Doner Kabob joined the party and Bulls eye went in search of some runners. COP – DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Dead Man Hangs, Merkins and LBC,s Mosey to door #1 – Go to each door for increasing merkins door 1 = 1 merkin, door 2 = 2 merkins up to door 20A…

An assembly of southern gentlemen who untangled themselves from their wives’ predawn embrace gathered at SOT for something decidedly less cushy. Here’s what the runners avoided: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey to the Field LotWelcome & F3 DisclaimerSSH, RSoldiers, CSquats, Opus, DQ’s, WWII’s, Oblique LBC’s, APD’s COP #2: Mosey to the Football Field & TrackTHE GREMLIN: A short distance Beast with variable movement between pointsRound 1: Alligator Walk & Angle GrinderRound 2: Bear crawl & BurpeesRound 3: Crab Walk & Crab Cakes (2-ct)Round 4: Deep Lunge & Dolly’sRound 5: Elephant Crawl & Elbow Plank Leg Lifts Round 6: Frog Jump & Flutters…

Twenty men and 1 faithful companion total out at SOT this morning. 15 started their day with a warm bowl of fermented Gumbo. 5 took to the roads around SOT to continue race training. Well done all! For the Bootcamper 15, it went something like this: COT – Mosey down to the field and spot the PoPo parked in the lot down there when he/she shined the spotlight on the PAX and then left the scene. At the field, Van Halen tunes were started and COT went as follows: SSHs IC x10Imperial Walkers IC x10Don Qs SLOW IC x10Helicopters IC…

Eight gloom warriors declared their independence from the fartsack at Source of Truth this morning. The quill pens inscribed it thusly on the parchment: Three rabbits posted early for a jaunt to Midlo HS for track work and meanderings through Charter Colony. Five bootcampers did the following: Warmarama – mosey to lower parking lot for SSH x 20, Russian Soldiers x 15, Helicopters x 10, Don Quixotes x 10, Flutter Kicks x 10, Alabama Prom Dates x 10. The THANG COP1 – 1776; mosey to the football field and divide into teams of two; bust out 1,776 yards/reps as follows:…

1 14 15 16 17 18 44