Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Escaping Vapors, Audibles, and Post-op Lap Dance


An assembly of southern gentlemen who untangled themselves from their wives’ predawn embrace gathered at SOT for something decidedly less cushy. Here’s what the runners avoided:


COP #1:

  • Mosey to the Field Lot
  • Welcome & F3 Disclaimer
  • SSH, RSoldiers, CSquats, Opus, DQ’s, WWII’s, Oblique LBC’s, APD’s

COP #2:

  • Mosey to the Football Field & Track
  • THE GREMLIN:  A short distance Beast with variable movement between points
  • Round 1: Alligator Walk & Angle Grinder
  • Round 2: Bear crawl & Burpees
  • Round 3: Crab Walk & Crab Cakes (2-ct)
  • Round 4: Deep Lunge & Dolly’s
  • Round 5: Elephant Crawl & Elbow Plank Leg Lifts 
  • Round 6: Frog Jump & Flutters (2-ct)

COP #3:

  • Track Catch Me If You Can
  • P1 Does Reps while P2 Bernie Sanders, P1 catches up to switch
  • Lap #1: x1 Burpee 
  • Lap #2: x2 Opus
  • Out of time – mosey BTTF


  • Counterama # 11
  • Namerama
  • Announcerama (see Comments)
  • YHC took us out in Prayer


  • Whatta marvelous mumble chatter morning – discussion revolved around multiple audibles (the field was suuuper squishy so moved to track, the hard way would have been absolutely Awful, and OC cane up with Elephant crawl instead of elbow crawl on pavement), the noxious 4th F (a blessing from YHC’s very own rear end, which OC did his best matrix moves to avoid, but failed), and the possibility of a probono lap dance after Draper’s vasectomy (“is there a copay for that?”). Apparently a smaller PAX means greater intimacy. Love you clowns. SYITG

About Author

Joined F3 at NoToll 9/25/18. Started The FORGE 4/4/19. Fealty to SOJ. Follower of Jesus Christ. Pediatrician. Missionary. Husband to the M since 2005. Papa to a couple awesome 2.0's "Oreo" & "Banjo".

1 Comment

  1. – Pray for Duke’s inlaws hospitalized w Covid
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    – SHOE DRIVE – bring them!
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