Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: River Run

Betty Weaver Elementary

3 regular SOJ men posted this morning at River Run, in hopes that it would not rain that bad and it was 63. WHY NOT!! YHC showed up with Gumbo already present but one school bus running and a box truck for clothes running too. Gumbo and YHC hopped out of our SUV and stated “Weird.” DK came in hot with 30 seconds to spare. 0530…time to mosey with DK arranging gear and quickly caught up. Mumblechatter started early and 5 miles was our goal. Across Robious Road, up Twin Team to Ellesmere. R on Ellesmere to Brigstock. L on Brigstock than…

YHC exited the warmth of his vehicle at 0530 prepared for another solo run through the streets of Tarrington and off he went into the cold and dodging the black ice along the way.  Then, as I returned to do a couple laps around the high school, I saw a headlamp in distance…it was LugNut.  The black ice on 288 caused his late arrival and he smartly headed to the track instead of testing the ice on the streets. We finished the last 10 minutes together and the company was welcomed.  Thanks LugNut. COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama and YHC took us…

3 eager chaps paid no mind to the rain and posted to River Run to start the work week with a leisurely stroll, that went something like this (at least for 2 of us): Waste no time increasing the heart rate – head straight to and up Twin Team hill, right on Cawood Drive into Powderham, right on Drakewood Rd, left on Glendowner Rd – cross Ellesmere and take a right on  Gryphon Rd.  Around the corner it turns into Stonegate briefly, then right on Radstock – that turns into Kings Lynn Rd.  Cross Salisbury Rd and continue until we…

4 brave men barred the cold to take on Murph Friday! Mossy to the main playground. 10 rounds of the below with each round consisting of the following exercises. 10 pullups 20 Merkins 30 squats After we completed the 10 rounds we headed back to the parking lot COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama Strong work by all and we killed it in regards to time so we did a couple mins of mary.  Also nice job to Rosie to get 3 miles in before the Murph.  Marmaduke great to see you crushing the 2 mile run portion…..looks like you’re a step closer…

YHC came in hot to find a PAX of 1 awaiting his Q. It was Rosie, SOJ’s own “regular”. Of course there’s nothing regular about Rosie’s running ability. THANG Run normal Tarrington loop back to school + run up to cul-de-sac across from school and back to school. Total miles: 4.75 – 5.25 COT: YHC took us out with profound words of wisdom. Naked Moleskin Thanks to Rosie for circling back to keep YHC company. It has been months and months since YHC went for any type of run. Time for that to change: new year, new YHC. No announcements

Three PAX of varying speeds joined up in the gloom at River Run to enjoy the freezing cold weather. The thang: OG Run – into Tarrington back up to Robious, across road and down Twin Team. Circle back to pick up the six. YHC did 4.5 total, Rosie a little more, Lug a little less. Good catching up with Rosie, who eventually left YHC in the dust on the long climb to the top. Was a little chilly at the start, 15 degrees or so. Keep up the good work PAX. CSAUP April 13th. Everyone is a buzzing with this…

2 SOP wackos started the work-week with a few frozen miles, and we managed to stay up-right the entire time.  Just under 5 miles traversed – a big thanks to Rosie for keeping it in low-gear and hanging with me for a nice jaunt through Tarrington. Announcements: CSAUP – a BRR-style tour of the F3RVA AOs is coming in mid-April.  Routes, obstacles and details to come. Have a great day men.  No more Gumbo for you!

A lonely Davillian came down south in hopes for a southern welcome to find a lonely AO. YHC security the AO and this how it went down: A couple laps around the school in hopes for at least one LIFO. At 5:35 no one was found so YHC head out in the route he knew. Out of BWES and across Robious Rd then turn right. Head into River Down going up and down the hills till reaching Gumbo’s house. Complete a few merkins then head back the same way for about 5 miles Unbeknownst to YHC, this AO was cancelled…

5 brave men barred the cold to take on Murph Friday! Mossy to the main playground via tack for a total of a mile. 10 rounds of the below with each round consisting of the following exercises. 10 pullups 20 Merkins 30 squats After we completed the 10 rounds we headed back to the parking lot via track to get a total of a mile. COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama Strong work by all and it was nice to have a visitor from the mother ship “Guinness” who crushed the Murph with a solid respect! Keep up the good work and have…

3 RiverRun regulars and a 2.0 first time RiverRunner escaped the fartsack to get the blood flowing on an early morning run.  What better way to get the morning started than with some hill repeats. As we walked out the door, the one instruction from the M was “Don’t lose him!”  No problem, we’ll just stay together with some repeats, track or hills.  The last time YHC Q’ed repeats it was on the track so this time to the hills. Mosey around the school to Twin Team – varying times of 30-45 seconds up, mosey back down.  Last time, don’t…

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