Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Punisher

Linwood Holton Elementary

Cafe au lait and a Beignet From Cafe du Monde YHC is getting back into the swing with F3RVA after a weeks Spring break of eating great food and visiting with family and friends in Jackson, MS and New Orleans! Second workout of the day so we had some good strength workout in the books for this workout. Here is what went down: COP Mosey to front yard of school and circle up for 20 SSH, 10 DQ’s…(tried to keep these slow as YHC was still alittle sore from the 1/2 Marathon on Saturday!), 10 Ukrainian Soldiers, 10 Imperial Walkers,…

YHC pulled in to see 3 brothers waiting in the lot for an afternoon workout. While placing the shovel flag, 40 whacks shows up so we have 5 for this afternoon. So YHC grabbed his gym bag of bands and we proceeded for warm ups in front of the school. COP We circle up and perform the following for a nice warm up: 20 SSH, 10 4-ct slow descend good mornings, 10 DQ’s, 15 Ukrainian Soldiers, 15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Arm Circles, 10 small 5 big, Reverso, 10 Helicopters, 20 4ct American Hammers, 10 4ct LBC’s. THANG So YHC pulls…

Three posted for the relocated short workout / social at Bingo Beer. Two of us made it for the short workout. The third posted to the usual AO because of poor follow through by the Q, but made it to Bingo for the social.

Five posted for the Punisher before last. Burpees with Broad Jumps to start across the width of the school. Pentagon up nearby with some of our favorite starter exercises. Move to the school for a short mini-Murph with 10 x Plank Rows, 20 x Merkins, and 30 x Squats followed by a short lap around the big trees in front of LHES. Five rounds. Relocate to the bus loop for Elevens with Curb Dips and Mountain Climbers. Line up and Lunge Walk in a northerly direction, taking turns counting steps and with Merkins in between. Finish with Conveyor Belt Mary…

What a truly wonderful sunny and 70 degree afternoon we had for Punisher. YHC was excited to have a gang to test a new workout routine to wrap up the Monday for this week. Rolled into the parking lot with alot of text updates of folks not going to post and I see a lone brother in the name of Upchuck stretching and getting ready. 6pm rolls in, it’s just up to us to get going so we decide to do the COP…While running a couple of laps we discuss earlier workouts from the morning (Peloton for CB and and…

Two of us left our adjacent houses and posted at Linwood Holton Elementary School for the Valentine’s Day Punisher. Brief warmup with several of the usual. Followed with a couple of two man Triple Check rounds and some dealer’s choice exercises.

Hmm, its getting colder than we realized as the sun went down. Over to the front of the school for COP. Don Quixotes, Potato Pickers, Helicopters, Ssh, Russian Soldiers. First Up: Triple Check – Partner 1 runs the perimeter of the front field, partner 2 flutter kicks, and partner 3 performs an elbow plank. Mosey over to the bus loop for a customized 11s. Exercises were merkins (10 different variety that the Pax cycled through), followed by some fork of locomotion across the loop, 4 count American Hammers, and same form of locomotion back. Over to the blacktop for incremental…

6 Americans hammered forth to this evening’s version of The Punisher. Temps were a constant 70 and sunny. According to the drivers on Hermitage, the following might have happened: COP: Run the bus loop, and circle up for a Beatdown. SSHs x24Dead Man HangIWs x10Hillbillies x10 (tip of the hat to the teacher leaving for the evening)WWIIs x106 inchesAmerican Hammers x20Snow Angels x10Scorpion Kicks x5HRMs x10 Mosey to the front of the school for a Super 10s (like Super 21s, but not to 21) WWIIsMerkins Stop after round 4 for Monkey Humpers and after 7 for something else and after…

Five posted for last week’s Punisher. Met in the usual parking lot at the southeast corner of LHES property facing a stiff, cold breeze from the west. We may need to get a Solo Stove for the AO. Mosey to the side yard for COP with some of the usual warm up items but with Imaginary Jump Ropes after every called set. Move to the nearby outdoor classroom. Pick a side of a picnic table and complete 10 Incline Merkins followed by 10 Step Ups per leg. Continue, dropping a rep, from nine down to one, pausing in Al Gore…

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