Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Punisher

Linwood Holton Elementary

Eight posted for the second Punisher of 2022 – relocated, by design, to Bingo Beer in Scott’s Addition. A few of us met early to do a few exercises to Yahtzee dice behind the brewery and we caught up for a social thereafter. We discussed doing the same sometime in February. Will let you know.

Three posted for the first Punisher of 2022. Brief mosey across the parking lot and through a couple of inches of snow to the circle in front of Linwood Holton Elementary for our warmup. Relocate to the covered patio nearby for 22 reps of 10 exercises, repeated once – 2022. Next, a few rounds of a medley with a Burpee, a few Donkey Kicks, etc. Finish with a few LBC rounds. COT and YHC took us out.

Three rallied to celebrate the last Punisher of the year. With temperatures steady at 70 and sunny, the PAX eagerly awaited one more guy to make it an even 4. According to Johnsonville, who offered as recently as mid-morning to Q, here’s what happened: Warm up:SSHsIWsHillbilliesSwirly’s Dead Man Hang (no cadence, ’cause why would ya?) (YHC also thanks to Hutton for humming cadence)Stretch to the Sky (YHC feels like Bodo’s should get some credit for this, but could also just ignore the need to name a simple stretch)LBC’sHRM’sHello Dolly’sRosalita’s Mosey to the basketball court Partner Suicides             2 guys repeats a…

Five regulars and one 2.0 showed up for a holiday workout, lights, and good times and left with so much more. A lap around the compound to warm us up. COP including SSH, Helicopters, Don Quixote, Hill Billies. 12 Days of Christmas 1 burpee1 burpee, 2 jump squats1 burpee, 2 jump squats, 3 merkins1 burpee, 2 jump squats, 3 merkins, 4 box cutters1 burpee, 2 jump squats, 3 merkins, 4 box cutters, 5 lunges1 burpee, 2 jump squats, 3 merkins, 4 box cutters, 5 lunges, 6 american hammers1 burpee, 2 jump squats, 3 merkins, 4 box cutters, 5 lunges, 6…

7 Brothers collected this nice cool evening for a Monday workout. Knowing a 42 minute workout was on tap we quickly mosey to side yard circle up for: COP We start with 25 SSH, 10 DQ and 20 merkins, ready for the Tabata workout THANG YHC had modified the Tabata routine to be 10 reps of 20 seconds work out with 10 second rest (1 rep), continue until 10 reps were completed (or 5 total minutes of the routine). YHC started the routine selection with merkins where we performed 10 merkins then planked for the remaining time of the 20…

We relocated Punisher to Bingo Beer for a brief run – primarily to spot holiday light installations on Monument Avenue – and followed with a little social time. Turns out just a few households (really just one) in the nearby few blocks of Monument went big with lights. Not much to see in the 1K mosey. Point was to have some social time, anyway. Back patio at Bingo is nice with propane-fired fire pits. May head here again. There was a motion to possibly relocate Punisher once a month in the winter season for similar social time. Did I miss…

A PAX of five posted for last night’s Punisher with one arriving via bus, another by car, and three on foot. Form a circle and complete 25 x Imaginary Jump Ropes, 15 x Imperial Walkers, 15 x Don Quixotes, 15 x Helicopters, 10 x Merkins, 20 x Flutter Kicks, and a few Arm Circles. Begin team Bearimeter of Linwood Holton Elementary school building in counterclockwise direction. Break into teams with one guy Bear Crawling while another completes one Burpee and ten Side Straddle Hops followed by a mosey to catch the crawler. Switch. One crawl rotation done and stop at…

Four posted for the pre-Thanksgiving Punisher offering. Short mosey off the pavement and into the grass for COP with a few of our favorites. Resume mosey and complete a Lindsay. Follow that with a round of 11s. Continue with a little wall work. Additional mosey minutes built into the program along with some rounds of Merkins. Find grass again for a bit of stretching and COT. Hope everyone had a fine holiday.

Four posted for the most recent Punisher. Warmup in the front school yard with the usual. EMOM #1 – complete 5 Burpees, 10 Donkey Kicks and about a 40 yard run and hold People’s Chair each minute for 10 minutes. Jack Webb with 1 Merkin to 4 Overhead Press ratio – begin at 1:4 and continue past the usual stopping point to 12:48. EMOM #2 – 5 Squats, 5 WWII Sit Ups, 25 LBCs, and 5 Jump Squats then hold Al Gore each minute for 10 minutes. Plank-A-Rama for a few minutes, stretch for a few, and YHC took us…

Seven PAX posted for the first “fall back” Punisher. Mosey around the parking lot and into the grass near the western entrance to LHES for warm up with 30 x SSHs, 20 x Helicopters, 15 x Don Quixotes, 15 x Hillbillies, 10 x Shoulder Taps, 10 x Suzanne Somers (each side), 25 x Freddie Mercury(s), and 10 x Arm Circles (big only, forward and reverse). Move to the parking lot entrance. Ten Merkins at the closest light pole. Mosey north along Hermitage Road to the next light pole for 10 Imaginary Jump Ropes. Repeat sequence, working north along Hermitage to…

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