What a truly wonderful sunny and 70 degree afternoon we had for Punisher. YHC was excited to have a gang to test a new workout routine to wrap up the Monday for this week. Rolled into the parking lot with alot of text updates of folks not going to post and I see a lone brother in the name of Upchuck stretching and getting ready. 6pm rolls in, it’s just up to us to get going so we decide to do the COP…While running a couple of laps we discuss earlier workouts from the morning (Peloton for CB and and Splinter’s Block part at Hoedown for UpChuck)…and with the low numbers nice evening thought Bingo Beer was a great audible. First the COP
We stop at the start point of our 2nd lap and perform 20 SSH, 10 DQ’s, 20 LBC’s, 10 scorpions and 20 merkins.
I throw the Q to Upchuck and we follow one another to Bingo Beer. He treats with 2 beers and 2 appetizers. Good beer, great apps and nice catching up with an F3 brother from another nano region!
Hope to see you in the gloom soon gents. Thank you, Upchuck. Cheers….CB!