Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: MANNdate

2 dudes came to heft some bells this morning. Here is what went down… COP — Helicopters, DQ, Hillbillies, copperhead squats, HRM, AST’s, leg lifts, freddies Progressive Dora100 renegade rows200 Goblet squats300 flutterkicks holding bellother partner runs to first light then back, then second light and back, progressing to the last light and then regressing to the first light11’s 1 demon crusher, 10 merkinstime for a few boat canoesLots of extra talk time this morning. Yard sale is a good talker. :)The most fun two people could have together without getting jiggy with it.

YHC was running late to Q this morning, luckily the PAX picked up the slack. COPHot Potato Q – each PAX called out an exercise. Squats, halos, merkin rows, gorilla curls, tricep extensions, etc. Mini Dora – mosey to bus loop overhead cover. P1 run to basketball hoop and back. P2 does exercise. Switch, rinse and repeat. 50 squats, 100 curls, 150 LBCs Finished up with some Yardsale’s boat canoes. Numbers, names, Spit took us out.

YHC left the friendly confines of SOJ and traveled beyond the wall for a kettle bell beatdown. 5 Davillians posted and were ready to put in some work. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure. To the bus loop for Warm-up: Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Alabama Prom Dates, Freddy Mercury’s, Hand Release Merkins AND High Knees, Butt Kicks, Bernie Sanders, Lunge Walks across the parking lot. Back to the front of the school for Exercise One: Partner up for resistance band circuit. Out and back up the parking lot: Sprints, Forward Straddle Hops, Plank Walks.…

The PAX came in hot this morning for some kb action. COP Tabatha Halos WWIIs KB swings Demon crushers Flutter kicks w/ presses Goblet squats Curls American hammers Calf raises Numbers, names, Boo Boo took us out.Notes – great to see Boo Boo back at it. Memorial Day Convergence this Monday at 7am at Tredegar Iron Works.

YHC brought a surprise to the PAX today. The mace bell or gada as it is known in India, is an equipment used by Indian wrestlers and warriors for centuries. YHC built an DIY macebell using a shovel pole, my daughter’s Halloween candy bucket and quickcrete. Some COP then the PAX was introduced to the macebell. Then the PAX went back to our regularly scheduled KB program. 4 corners – Halos x 10 each side, Squats x 20, sit-up presses x 20, calf raises x 20 Triple check – P1 curls, P2 demon crushers, P3 sprint between islands 11s -…

dos hermanos showed up to rock some kettlebells COP — lots of fun exercises! to the bus loop alternate 20 over head presses, 20 goblet squats each lightlazy dora100 KB flutters, 6 inches150 KB lawnmowers, peoples chair200 round the worlds, plank11’sburpees and sit up pressesEnd of story

2 posted on this brisk spring morning for some kb action. COP 11s – Sit up thrusters, merkins 4 corners – Rd 1: curls, squats, demon crushers, calf raises x10; Rd 2: x15 Boat Canoes

3 Mannly Men rolled in at the last second on a misty morning. Warmup: Trunk Rotation, Dead Mans Hang, Grab Each Ankle, Side Straddle Hops, LBC’s and maybe a couple others. Tabata: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Each exercise 8 times. 9 different exercises: Curls, LBC’s, Calf Raises, Halo’s, WWII situps, Squats, Sholder Presses, Boat Canoe, Lunges. All exercises with kettlebells. Numberama, Namarama. Announcements – 3rd F Thursday at PBR. Where’s Trout? Safe travels for Opus in Spain. Quick healing for Boo Boo. The workout was good but by time with the guys and the discussions we had were…

4 men posted today for kb beatdown. COP SSH, butt kickers, invisible jump ropes, arm circles, helicopters, DQ, others EMOM 10 reps of an exercise every minute on the minute for 5 minutes Squats, WW2s, KB swings, demon crushers, deadlifts + shrugs, boat canoes Numbers, names, Opus took us out.

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