Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: #KettleBells

7 warriors including one visitor showed up this morning to throw some iron around. This is how it went down. COPSSH x 20Don Quixotes x 10Helicopters x 10Russian Soldiers x 10Arm circles (10 small + 5 big)Copperhead squats x 10Round 1 – 4 corners superset, 8 reps each exercise1st corner – KB swing with a dive bomber ‘merkin2nd corner – Halos with goblet squats3rd corner – Lawnmowers with clean and press4th corner – Demon crushers with WWII sit-up pressRound 2 – same exercises , 16 reps eachRound 3 – same exercises, 24 reps eachRound 4 – same exercises, 16 reps…

Three Amigos made their way into the early morning gloom for a full KB workout. Here is what went down: Mosey with KB’s to the large church parking lot, stopping on the way to complete a burpee at each speed bump. Quick COP: DQ’s x 10 Helicopters x 15 Station up at welcome center for: SUPER 21’s 21 x American Hammers w/KB’s, High Pulls, Halos, then Lunge Walk for 25 yards. 20x, LW, 19x, LW, 18x, LW, 17x, LW 16x, Run parking lot to loosen up arms 15x ,LW, 14x, LW, 13x, LW, 12x, LW, 11x, Run Parking lot 10x,…

9 of DaVille’s finest Rolled out the red carpet treatment for this Near West Ender’s venture north of the Wall. YHC rolled into an empty school yard only to find a steady stream of Hanover’s lifeblood streaming in just before the starting bell. Corned Beef was the lucky timekeeper for YHC’s shot at MANNDate. 530? let’s boogie. COP – Mosey around the loop and rock the bells around the world. Circle up. SSHs, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Helicopters and Arm Circles. The Thang Exercise I – 4 Corners 25 KB Swings, 25 Handrelease Merkins, 26 One Arm KB snatches, 25 KB…

Sound familiar, cold morning and loyal KB warriors unite. The Q had 2 workouts ready. Johnsonville informed YHC that he still needed to remain calf cautious, so the PAX went with straight ground and pound. Here is how it went down: COP 30 SSH15 IW15 DQ15 helicopters20 HRM40 2x LBC10 2x Suzanne Somers, each leg20 APD AMRAP challenge – rotation of 5 exercises over a 30-35 second period, with reduced rest after each rotation; rests start at 20 seconds and move down to 15, 10 and 5 secondsWeighted squatsHigh pullsCurlsHalosKB swingsAMRAP challenge/version 2 – rotation of 4 exercises over a…

COP SSH Arm Circles Helicopters 12 Days after Christmas 12 rounds. First round do all, eliminating one exercise each round 12 Kettlebell Dirty Dogs11 Overhead Presses10 Tricep Extensions9 2 Hand Swings8 Clean and Press7 Goblet Squats6 Lawn Mowers5 Boat canoes4 Merkin Rows3 Sit-up Presses2 One Arm Snatches1 Kettle Burpee One lap with various caries and 2 minutes of Boat/Canoes to finish out the time Announcements Last day to order shirts is tonight at 12 https://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-rva-shirt-pre-order Numberama Namearama Opus took us out NMS Just getting an early start on next year’s holiday season. Last week’s workout was fun, so we got…

A fab five with four kettlebells and one rucksack set forth on another 5am edition of the gloom at River and Ridge. With YHC on the mend from the week long plague, and a full dose of cabin fever, it was time to get out of the house. Near perfect temps for the Early Bird Special …. can’t get much better than that. COP Mosey to the Westham Parkway Wedge. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, DQs, Merkins, LBCs The Thang Mosey back to the parking lot, grab your kettlebell and/or rucksack. Exercise 1 – 4 Corners 2 roundsAround the world on the…

Three strong men showed up for another off the books kettle bell workout at Midlo Middle on a Monday morning. Still being an unofficial AO, YHC coordinated and took the Q. Not having any terribly original ideas, YHC just looked at the most recent Circus Maximus BB and shamelessly copied the workout with some alterations. Here’s how it went down: Farmer’s carry to the front NW corner of the school. COP: SSHs (to get things moving)JazzerciseCherry PickersHelicopters The Thang: A Beast with Bells Using the front of the school (~100 yards), and stopping at 3 spots down and back for…

Two posted for an off the books KB beatdown at SOT and this is what happened COP party of two DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, SSH’s, Jazzersizes and a couple other things Mosey to the doors starting with 1 Merkin at door number 1 Merkins / WWII (with KB) every other door. If I did my math right it was 289 Merkins and 272 WWII (with the KB) Mosey back to flag with KB overhead Numbers / Names YHC took us out NMS: Ouchhhhhhh!!!

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