Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Kettle Beast


Three strong men showed up for another off the books kettle bell workout at Midlo Middle on a Monday morning.

Still being an unofficial AO, YHC coordinated and took the Q. Not having any terribly original ideas, YHC just looked at the most recent Circus Maximus BB and shamelessly copied the workout with some alterations.

Here’s how it went down:

Farmer’s carry to the front NW corner of the school.


  • SSHs (to get things moving)
  • Jazzercise
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Helicopters

The Thang: A Beast with Bells

Using the front of the school (~100 yards), and stopping at 3 spots down and back for exercises. 6 of each exercise at each of the 6 spots (at the “25”,”50″,and “75”, and the “75”, “50”, and “25”), with the exercises adding up cumulatively with each round. Alternate around the worlds and lunges in between each spot (YHC audibled to only around the worlds after realizing that lunges were going to be too slow and painful, especially with all the goblet squats each round)

Round 1: Goblet Squats
Round 2: Goblet Squats, Halos
Round 3: Goblet Squats, Halos, Lawnmower Pulls

Pause the Beast to run a lap around the school Indigenous People run style, and a pretty fast pace!

Round 4: Goblet Squats, Halos, Lawnmower Pulls, High Pulls

We ran out of time for 6 full rounds with the cumulative exercises taking more time, but thankfully, had a few minutes to do a bit of Mary.


  • Boat/Canoe – several rounds at the Q’s call
  • Weighted American Hammers (IC x10)

Farmer’s carry back to the flag


Numberama, Namearama

Announcerama – Please keep YHC’s niece in your prayers as she’s struggling with depression.


Thanks for showing up for another KB beat down. KB might stand for Killer Beast this morning! It was tough!

Trying to get out of the parking lot was an adventure, as what seemed like half of the middle school student body and their parents were trying to squeeze into the parking lot.

Per Rosie’s suggestion at No Toll, YHC plans to invite Johnsonville and White Deer to join us next week, as this might be a more convenient KB option for them to partake of.



About Author

Scott Paulis (Inducted into F3 on 4/12/2019 at TwinTeam, EH'd by Loose Goose) Back story: Grew up in Ellicott City, MD. Studied Computer Science at Virginia Tech (Class of 2003). 2 years of missions work with Cru in North Africa and FL, then moved to VA in 2005. Married to amazing wife, Liz, and have 4 fun kids. Now living in Powhatan, VA. Attend Grace Bible Church in Midlothian. Enjoy playing board games (hence the F3 name) with my family and a regular group of guys. Also enjoy stand-up paddleboarding on any body of water I can find, and going for family bike rides and walks. “You roll your dice, you move your mice. Nobody gets hurt. Mousetrap!” - Veggie Tales' Bob the Tomato

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