Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Kayak

Twelve oarsmen launched from the Huguenot Shipyard for the 5th Annual, 1st Inaugural First Watch Deliverance workout. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the toothless City Proper/SOJ combo hillbillies eyeing us, the following might have happened. 04:30 Secure the AO. Kubota (aka, Q-bota on site). 04:35 YHC on scene. 04:40 Lockjaw 04:50 First Water. Progressively crowded dockyard, and some stragglers asking themselves,”What time does the 05:00 paddle start?” Posey (paddle-mosey) over to the North Bank. Circle up. Warm-a-rama Dead Man HangHelicoptersDon QuixoteCopperhead Squats‘MercansLBCsFlutter KicksInverted Scorpion KicksScorpion Kicks Triple Check.Partner 1: Bear crawl to that thing out there that Kubota…

10 Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless Thrill Seekers decided to get wet this morning with not just sweat, but rain water and river water. After all boats had captains at 0500, the task force steamed over to the North Bank of the mighty James River. Paddle up the little creek to our new beach area and waddle up the sand dunes for: COP: Dead Man Hang, Reach for the Sky, Helicopters, DQ’s, Sand Merkins, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Sandy Scorpion Kicks 🙂 5 Burpees OYO TRIPLE CHECK: Using the three coupons that were collected on the voyage over, we did: Partner…

Three then four river rats grabbed their boats and paddles and hit the shallows of the James River at Huguenot Flatwater on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. After Oyster caught up to us and we made it the the Willey Bridge, a nice goose-poop covered crop of rocks, hosted us for a few moments of beverage drinking and swimming. Try Hard and family were also on the waters enjoying a relaxing afternoon lounging in the secret creek. Deliverance 4 is scheduled for this Wednesday, unless the rain for Wednesday comes early. Stay-tuned! Kubota

1 pax sailed forth into the Fort Lauderdale Gloom for the latest edition of The Clinic. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the zoo keeper building a wooden boat, the following route might have been taken. Route: the usual. No stop outbound. Rest stop inbound. A smidge over 5 miles. NMS: holy cow. The rain did rain on Wednesday in Fort Lauderdale. It was awesome. Perfect temperature and just the right amount of rain to cool things off. There were, oddly, more than the normal level of puddles. So, YHC ran (mostly) around them. Got wet. No biggie. By…

17 SOJ faithful HIM’s were feeling froggy to embrace the suck at this morning’s SOT Birthday beatdown. Here’s how we may or may not be welcome back to their soccer field… The THANG: WARMERAMA: Mosey to the top of the stadium and circle up in the flood lightsWelcome & DisclaimerVariable IC Reps to get the muscles warm COP #1: Mosey to the football field and collect the coupons (canoe, kayak, kettle bells) and assemble in the middle of the field QUADRUPLE TRIPLE CHECK:Station #1 – Two PAX pulling one PAX in canoe to side of field and backStation #2 – P1 Sumo…