Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Hoedown

Tuckahoe Elementary

What started out as an Awesome Eight evolved into a Fine Nine with Mr Holland LIFO’d in. Mosey to the Horseshoe for COP. Helicopters Arm Circles Imperial Walkers HRM Freddie Mercuries Over the the edge of the horseshoe and wheelbarrow across the infield.  5 Derkins and reverse with partner for the return trip. Triple Check! – Partner 1 high knees around the horseshoe, Partner 2 does Donkey Kicks, Partner 3 does Flutter Kicks. Over the teacher’s lot adjacent to Lindsay for Lindsays. American Hammers/Copperhead Squats Lunge over, backward lunge back Back to the playground field where Mr.  Holland mysteriously joined…

8 Trumpeteers and one conductor struck up the band for a unseasonably warm rendition of the soundtrack to “The Gloom.”  A few of the high notes included: Mosey to the corner of West Drive and Beechwood for the COP.  Exercises were something like: SSHs x19 LBCs x24 Merkins x8 Hillbillies x21 Mosey onto Westham Parkway and back to the parking lot. Curb Crawls of Pain: Round 1: Bear crawl across bus loop, at first curb 5 merkins, then Army crawl across grass, then 5 merkins, then bear crawl across bus loop. 5 merkins.  Reverso. Round 2: Crawl bear, 5 merkins,…

At least 11 Behemoths took to the grounds of TES for a Cyber Monday beatdown at Hoedown, 3 Qs for the price of 1. THANG SPLINTER Q Mosey to Front of School COP – DQs, IWs, Mountain Climbers, Helicopters, Arm Circles Mosey to Bus Loop Curb Crawl – Up to 6 Merkins, repeato and reverso Mosey back to Front Lawn P1 – Run to TES sign and back; P2 – Merkins on Bike Rack, repeato x 3 EF HUTTON Q Mosey to Blacktop Basketball Courts 4 Corners (Compounding at each corner- Bearcrawl Length/ Lunge Width) – Imperial Squat Walkers x…

Ten warriors, sans webbed feet, huddled in the crisp fall air before embarking on today’s hoedown.  Start off with a 3/4 mile run then huddle around the shovel flag.  Resist Conspiracy’s call to number off before tackling this ground ‘n pound. The Thang Repeat the following x2 SSH – 25 Merkin – 10 WWII – 10 Copperhead Squats – 10 Repeat the following x5 Merkin – 15 WWII – 15 Copperhead Squats – 15 Worm Merkin – 10 30 second plank Repeat the following x2 Lunges – 10x each leg WWII – 15 Flutter Kick – 30 Mosey to the…

On a beautiful Veterans Day morning, 12 freezing weather loving PAX and I made the sacred pilgrimage from Hoedown headquarters at Tuckahoe Elementary to Kanawha Recreation Association (KRA). Warm up (in front of three spectators): 15 Side straddle hops, 10 helicopters (in honor of the Jets score against the mighty Buffalo Bills, one better than the Richmond Spiders), 10 Don Quixotes and 10 front and back arm circles First exercise:  For Veterans Day we did army crawls from the end of the school grounds to the flag pole and back.  I think I was one the last ones to finish…

A lucky 7 were undeterred by cooler weather and full on rain for this morning’s installment of Hoedown. The Thang Circle up in the parking lot starting with 25 Merkins. COP Don Quixote Helicopters Arm Circles Russian Soldiers Mosey down Lindsay Drive for Lindsays.  Exercises are Merkins and Scissor Kicks.  Lunge walk between driveways to mark the transition zones. Find a space on the asphalt hill for 25 Derkins. Back to the playground for some leg lifts off of the monkey bars.  20 or so. Over the the asphalt sea for 4 Corners Corner 1 – 10 Mountain Climbers Corner…

A lucky 13 pugilists came forth on the day before the penultimate day of October to celebrate the start of the week and the 31st Anniversary of Thomas Hearns winning his fourth boxing title.  The glow-light runners on Forest tell the tale this way: COP: Mosey to Church parking lot.  IW’s x 15, IJR x20, Hillbillies x10, SSHs x20, DQs, LBCs x25, Rosalitas, and HRMs x10 Mosey to the Teacher’s Parking Lot: Partner up. Round 1: Wheelbarrow across parking lot.  Partner 1 does 10 shoulder presses.  Swap spots, wheelbarrow back. Round 2: x15 Round 3: Q senses brewing revolution…Semi-audible… Mosey…

…two questions that YHC was asking himself during COP one year ago during his first F3 post.  YHC was thinking to himself during COP that if he could be in half the shape that Saab was after a few F3 workouts, then things would be ok.  After Slurpee and Keymaster made YHC run one mile from his house to the AO, YHC was already out of breath before the words “let’s mosey” were uttered by Saab.  Damn, YHC thought, I have already run/walked a mile (mostly uphill), I don’t think I can finish this workout! In our normal and ordinary…

9 strong PAX gathered at Hoedown for a perfect 60 degree morning workout.   A Conspiracy sighting was confirmed at 5:26a.  Mr. Holland arrived way early at 5:28a.  Warmup at the Tuckahoe ES flagpole with 25 SSH, 15 IW, 15 HC, 15 Merkins, 15 LBC & 20 plank to Merkin.  Mosey along Forest Ave towards the corner and happen upon a stack of bricks on Silverspring Dr. – line up for American Hammer time, passing the bricks down the PAX line and back. Continued on to the corner office building on Ridge Road for a little 4 corner work.  Cumulative…

12 mighty athletic specimens showed up on Columbus Day to honor the great explorer of the Bahamas.  For 10/8 the weather seemed a tad humid but that just means more sweat coming out.  The workout went like this: Warm up – 16 Don Quixotes – in honor of Denver’s points scored against the surprising Jets JETS JETS JETS!; 15 Helicopters, 20 Freddie Mercurys, 25 side straddle hops and 10 Merkins Headed over to Lindsay Court to which Upchuck scared me with a comment that the neighbors did not want us to use that street anymore (I scare easy).  Anyway, in…

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