Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Heartbreak Ridge

Whitesnake celebrated the empty nest by going to Octoberfest in Germany and upon returning, attending HBR. During his visit abroad, he did bicep curls with steins and …… Well, I’m sure he did his daily burpees. Disclaimer Mosey forward, Karioke left, Mosey backwards, Karioke right back to start Warmup: in cadence 20 SSHs 20 Imperial Walkers 20 Squats Stretch Mosey to Heartbreak Hill Jacob’s ladder with 5 dollies at bottom each time: up the Heartbreak hill 7 times with 1, 2, 3, etc. to 7 Burpees at the top Stretch Mosey to one side of the Railings on the sidewalk…

Time to give Handshake a reprieve from taking the Q. Little sleep and no legs for the Q, here is how it went down: COPSSHIWDQHelicoptersArm circlesSuzanne SomersMerkinsLBC Ode to Handshake as we visited to honeymoon suite after he had no kids in the house yesterday morning:Pickle poundersAPDs Monkey humpers BeastBurpeesWWII sit-upsHRMSquatsSide crunches – each side Crab cakes Mosey to the pull up bars – each man does 7 pull-ups 3x while the PAX does the following:FMFlying nuns H2H Mosey to the bleachers for a Lindsey with derkins and bench kicks COT with YHC taking us out Great work from the…

7 gathered for this weeks iteration of Heartbreak Ridge. YHC with the Q for the second week in a row. Here’s what went down: Long mosey past our normal COP spot down by the Bus Loop and then back up and around Pemberton Elementary School to the Bus Loop for COP Bus Loop Fun. 15 Poles. Round 1 – Bear Crawl to the first pole and complete 2 HRM’s and continue on. Round 2 Crab Walk to the first pole and complete 10 WW2’s and continue on. (1) Burpee at each pole coming down the hill. Round 3 – Run…

5 for Heartbreak today, YHC was the Q. Mosey to PES Parking lot for a COP of various exercises and introducing The Polka, straight from F3 Hampton Roads Mosey to the PES Playground, (4) sets up Pull Ups Parking Lot fun – Bear Crawl to each Parking Spot and doing (1) HRM, 14 parking spots total. Next set of spots do 3 Squats and 5 LBC’s, 14 parking spots Mosey to front of PES for a Quintuple Check – P1 Runs, P2 Calf Raises, P3 Step Ups, P4 Dips, P5 Flutter Kicks. Audible after the end of Round 3 Mosey…

Hawt Potato served up post-convergence at Heartbreak. Here is how it went down: AttliaCOPSSHIWDQHelicoptersArm circlesDead man hangSuzanne SomersMerkinsLBCLindsay with step-ups and derkins 20 PLTs – 3x PigskinMosey to the bus lane for his wall-based routine – 3 iterations15 reps of a wall sit exercise10 reps of a balls to the wall exercise20 donkey kicks Bear crawl/crab walk/lunge about ½ the length of the bus drop off area PintoMosey around the school back to the parking lotBurpee march across the parking lot30 dips – 2x Return to the shovel flag for a ring of fire – 10 reps COT with YHC…

Five Faithful HBR regulars found the humidity and heat on the last Tuesday of August. We started with 4 but Whitesnake found us quickly in the concrete COP spot. We did: COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, Merkins, Flutterkicks Head over to covered area. Everyone grab a pole and do Boxing Roaches while end man does 5 Merkins then runs to next pole. Finish then back with Pole Smokers & Squats. Mosey over to PES playground for 50 for 50: 50 Pull-Ups to honor Oyster hitting Respect today. Break them up in whatever fashion you like, squats while you rested.…

The 4 chosen men of the West End for THE Handshakes Q at Heartbreak Mosey to Tennis Courts for COP finishing with real Scorpion Kicks, inverted. Quick round of Partner Bear Crawls (aka Wheelbarrows) across both Tennis Courts Mosey to the Black Top for Four Corners, ass-ending. Corner 1 – Sharts, Corner 2 Sharts, Sit Ups, Corner 3 Sharts, Sit Ups, HRM’s, Corner 4 Sharts, Sit Ups, HRM’s, Jump Squats Mosey to Bus Loop for Quadruple Check, P1 Runs the Loop, P2 HRM’s, P3 Flutter Kicks, P4 Jump Squats Mosey back to the flag for 2 Minutes of Mary, LBC’s…

Seven sweaty and swampy PAX posted to HBR, with a SOJ Summer Tourist in tow, we took off to find a dry spot to roll around on with mixed results. We did: COP: Invisible Jump rope, Don Qs, Ukrainian soldiers, Squats, Helicopters, Merkins, Reverse Crunch, Scorpion kicks. Mosey over to PES side lot for a Triple check: Hand Release Merkins, WWIIs, & run lot and back. Mosey over to PES playground. Partner up for 4 rounds of 8 Pull-ups and alternate Flutterkicks. Head over to QMS basketball court for HD favorite: 8 HRMs at each basketball hoop while alternating Bear…

The HBR PAX welcomed a bevy of guests this morning for a limited turn of our expansive Tuesday AO. Here is how it went down: COPSSHIWDQHelicoptersArm circlesDead man hangSuzanne SomersMerkins LBC Burpee march – burpee in each parking spot across the parking lost (appx 18) with 20 WWII sit-ups and 20 APDs, rinse and repeat back to the start 1 minute wall sit Mosey to the baseball field for an arch loader1st to 2nd base – alternate bear crawl, crab walk, duck walk and bunny hop2nd base – 20 side crunches each side2nd to 3rd base – Bernie3rd base –…

Six strong posted for a different kind of HBR workout in the comfortable 65 degree gloom this morning. Here is what went down: Mosey to the front of the Middle School for: Dead Man Hang, Reach for the Stars, SSH’s, DQ’s, Imperial Walkers, Jazzercizes, Flutter Kicks, Suzanne Somers Right, Scorpion Kicks, Suzanne Somers Left, LBC’s, Merkins Mosey to the entrance of the Elementary School and begin a Travelling Lindsey into the Farmington neighborhood. Carolina Dry Docks and Two-Count Flutter Kicks. At the divided highway with the canal in the middle, perform Travelling 11’s. WW2’s and Lt. Dan’s/Squats. Work our way…

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