Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Autumn in August


Six strong posted for a different kind of HBR workout in the comfortable 65 degree gloom this morning. Here is what went down:

Mosey to the front of the Middle School for:

Dead Man Hang, Reach for the Stars, SSH’s, DQ’s, Imperial Walkers, Jazzercizes, Flutter Kicks, Suzanne Somers Right, Scorpion Kicks, Suzanne Somers Left, LBC’s, Merkins

Mosey to the entrance of the Elementary School and begin a Travelling Lindsey into the Farmington neighborhood. Carolina Dry Docks and Two-Count Flutter Kicks.

At the divided highway with the canal in the middle, perform Travelling 11’s. WW2’s and Lt. Dan’s/Squats.

Work our way back to the AO and head over to Heartbreak Hill. Perform 7’s running up and down in between sets. Merkins and Burpees.

Partner up for 2×20 sets each of PLT’s

Partner up for 10 Boo-Yah Merkins

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag for some Pigeon Pose and Shavasana.


Numbers, Names, Announcements and YHC took us out!


Nice morning for a walk/mosey/run-a-bout! YHC decided to head off campus and change things up a bit instead of the usual Jerkin Gym, Pull-Ups and Donkey Kicks that are popular at HBR. Bro-Code travelling exercises are some of YHC’s favorite things to lead. Everyone put in hard work this morning and everyone will be better for it.

Thanks for putting up with YHC this morning, men, and SYITG!



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