Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Heartbreak Ridge

5 brave Americans posted this morning at Heartbreak Ridge for a choose your own adventure, democratic style workout.  PAX members had the opportunity and responsibility to select by majority rule from predetermined choices each evolution for the morning (today also happens to be 1 week from last Tuesday, election day, when Garbage Plate mistakenly thought he was on to Q… #recycle). Started out with a mosey to a perfect COP spot for 20x SSH, IW 10x HC, MK warmup. Election #1 – Heartbreak Ridge prevailed:  3x up Heartbreak Ridge – Bernie, Lunge/squat, Regular style Election #2 – Over Under took…

Nine came out to settle the election day the F3 way: Burpees and Merkins.  2 PAX (1 FNG) were underage to vote but participated just the same: COP – SSH, Helicopters, Don Qs, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Invisible Jumpropes.  Mosey to Heartbreak Hill. Battle for the House: Split up PAX into 2 groups.  Group 1 were dubbed Republicans, Group 2 were dubbed Dems.  218 total to take the House so 218 Burpees total amongst each group while 1 PAX runs up & down Heartbreak Hill.  First to magic number wins the House.  Republicans took the House (they had an extra member) Battle…

Eleven West-enders came out to HBR for some HRMs and other fun the day before Halloween.  We covered a good amount of the AO by: COP:  SSH, Don Qs, HRMs, Freddy Mercurys, LBCs, Imperial Walkers, Scorpion kicks. Back to the main parking lot –  Rows of 2 and proceed around the lot, exercises on every arrow.  First side – Bear Crawl and 5 HRMs, then carioke & 2 burpees to other side.  Then finish with Crab Walk and 10 WWII Situps. Then head up to blacktop behind school for Dora 123.  100 Hand Release Merkins, 200 Donkey Kicks, 300 Jump…

A PAX of 11 came out to Heartbreak Ridge to buy what Mr. Holland was selling; namely, a beatdown to write home about. After the briefest of moseys, the Q dispensed with COP and went straight for the Track Beast. Six laps around the track, stopping at six points along the way, to perform six of each prescribed exercise (merkins, WWIIs, lunges, mt. climbers, American Hammers, burpees). It wasn’t until the 2nd lap, when the PAX learned that with each lap exercises are additive rather than replaced, that Honeydo and friends learned the valuable lesson of always reading the fine…

9 stalwarts gathered at Heartbreak Ridge for an “it’s finally fall” morning to find out what the Q had in store. More or less, this is how it went down: THANG: Mosey to a warmup lap around the track, then near the snack shack for a warmup COP: – Invisible Jump Rope – LBCs – Russian Soldiers – Cohen Kickbacks – Slow count merkins Mosey to the bottom of Heartbreak Proper. Do one leg balance while Q explains how we will use the hill and complete PT exercises concurrently: – Sprint up the hill – At the top of each…

Seven noble warriors embraced the gloom of an early Tuesday morning to sharpen one another.  Here is how it went down: COP 25 SSH 15 Hilbillies 15 cherry pickers 15 hand-release merkins 25 2x LBC 15 pickle pounders 15 crab cakes Mosey to the bleachers for a Lindsay with dips and bench kicks 2x 25 PLT Mosey to the softball field with a Bernie up Heartbreak Hill Animal kingdom Bear crawl from RF line to CF; 15 gorilla humpers; run to LF line; 20 WWII sit-ups, bear crawl from LF line to CF; 15 gorilla humpers; run to RF line…

9 strong came out to enjoy the perfect fall weather with 65 degrees and clear skies greeting the PAX at Heartbreak Ridge.  It went like this: COP:  SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, Helicopters, Freddy Mercurys, Imperial Walkers (aka upright freddy mercurys??) Mosey to Pemberton loop – Dora 123 of 100 HR Merkins, 200 Jump Squats, 300 LBCs.  Back to front of middle school for some bench fun:  10, 15, 20 of:  Box Jumps and Derkins.  Then head down to Jerkin Gym: 3 Sets of 8 Jerkins.  Quick trip to Heartbreak Hill, up 1 time 10 WWIIs at top, back down then…

Certain “regulars” at HBR were sucked into the vortex of their fartsack after watching football last night.  However, for a group of 5 noble warriors, they not only answered the gloom, they owned it.  Here is how it went down: Parking lot tracers COP 25 SSH 15 cherry pickers 10 2x merkins 25 2x LBC 15 crab cakes 15 helicopters Mosey over to the tennis courts, partner up and complete 4 rounds of partner wheel barrows over ½ the tennis court followed by 10 decline merkins Mosey wall for core building Wall sit – 1 minute 25 heels to heaven…

7 prime PAX joined in a post twister Heartbreak Ridge edition.   Warmup with 20 SSH, HC’s, wide grip Merkins & LBC’s.   Start it up with a 4 corners – 20 each compounding for calf raises, jump squats, flutters & mt. climbers.   No longer will our biceps be ignored at Heartbreak – concrete props allowed for 30x “curls for the girls” while the PAX held plank.  Mosey to the walkway for a 2x backwards bear crawl up / rail crawl down followed by 30x decline WWII on the ridge.      Since there happen to be 131 fence…

Seven Stalwarts showed up to carry the shovelflag around and enjoy the fog. First we did a lap with the flag in solidarity with the other RVA AOs. Then we did: COP- Ssh, Don Qs, Helicopters, Merkins, Reverse Crunch, Imperial Walkers. Mosey to Pemberton ES side to check out new construction. Totem pole leg raise then Burpee Arrow loops and back to QMS. 5 Box Jumps & 10 Derkins.  More rounds increasing each by 5.  Stop for 25 WWII Situps. Down to Jerkin Gym- 4 sets of 8 Jerkins. Then 3 times up Heartbreak Hill with Jumpsquats at top. Back…

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