Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

You’re not clinching!


9 stalwarts gathered at Heartbreak Ridge for an “it’s finally fall” morning to find out what the Q had in store. More or less, this is how it went down:


Mosey to a warmup lap around the track, then near the snack shack for a warmup COP:
– Invisible Jump Rope
– LBCs
– Russian Soldiers
– Cohen Kickbacks
– Slow count merkins

Mosey to the bottom of Heartbreak Proper. Do one leg balance while Q explains how we will use the hill and complete PT exercises concurrently:
– Sprint up the hill
– At the top of each of the 8 hill sprints, do x20 of each of the following exercises at the top – side leg lifts R & L, backward leg lifts R & L, forward leg lifts R & L, cross-leg side leg lifts R & L

Mosey to the Exit of the parking lot for Curb Crawls (bear crawl both ways then 1,3,5,7,9,11 incline merkins, with 2,4,6,8,10 decline merkins

Mosey to benches & bars on the far side of the field.
– 20 bench kicks
– 3 sets of 8 jerkins (with partner)
– 20 bench kicks
– 2x sets of other PT exercises
– 20 bench kicks

Mosey back to the start for 5 mins of Mary
– Freddie Mercuries
– Inverted plank (clinch!)
– Rosalitas
– APDs – slow
– LBCs?

– Thanks for the opportunity to get back out and lead. It’s an honor and a privilege, as always. YHC is glad to be back in the Q rotation
– Good to see Hank Hill back out so quickly after getting his F3 name. Hope to have you back next week!
– The PT exercises were mixed in to help the Q get his daily dose of leg/knee stabilizing exercises, and YHC was glad to hear the comments that they are not quite as easy as they sound.
– YHC has a pretty good guess on who was not properly clinching during the Inverted Plank, but will not put it in writing… The Internet never forgets so you can thank me later.

See you all next week!


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