Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

In Pursuit of 2nd Base


Seven noble warriors embraced the gloom of an early Tuesday morning to sharpen one another.  Here is how it went down:

  • COP
    • 25 SSH
    • 15 Hilbillies
    • 15 cherry pickers
    • 15 hand-release merkins
    • 25 2x LBC
    • 15 pickle pounders
    • 15 crab cakes
  • Mosey to the bleachers for a Lindsay with dips and bench kicks
  • 2x 25 PLT
  • Mosey to the softball field with a Bernie up Heartbreak Hill
  • Animal kingdom
    • Bear crawl from RF line to CF; 15 gorilla humpers; run to LF line; 20 WWII sit-ups, bear crawl from LF line to CF; 15 gorilla humpers; run to RF line
    • Rinse and repeat but substitute crab walk for bear crawl
    • Rinse and repeat but substitute bunny hops for crab walk
    • Rinse and repeat but substitute duck walk/lunges for bunny hop
  • Mosey to the jerkin gym for 3x 8 reps
  • Mosey back to shovel flag for COT with YHC taking us out

As of 10 pm Monday night, there was no Q on the sign-up sheet.  Right before head hit pillow, YHC decided he could easily recycle much of Saturday’s Gridiorn workout as there is no overlap in the PAX.  Hence the rinse and repeat theme.

As for the animal kingdom, a keen observation from Mr. Holland today….”every man is always striving to get to 2nd base as quickly as possible.”  We are not a difficult species to figure out.

Welcome FNG Hank Hill!  Good to see you and P-Trap adding HBR to your routine this Tuesday.  For those wondering about the reference, Hank Hill is in the propane business.  BOOOOBBBBBY!!!

Great to see many of the regulars.  YHC has noticed that the patriarchs of this fine AO, Honeydo and Loose Goose continue to be MIA.  Hope to see those fine redwoods back soon.

God is good all the time!



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  1. Appreciate the callout Atilla. I admit to fartsacking too much lately. Lunch is on me if I am not at Circus Maximus on Thursday.