Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Dogpile

Byrd Park

8 men of F3 ready to take on the day. WARMARAMA: Mosey down to the toll parking lot for some warmarama.SSH, Helicopters, Arm Circles, Monkey Humpers, Imperials Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, LBC, Heals to Heaven. The Thang:Over the James: 10 Merkins every light pole, wait for the six at the end.Back Across the bridge, Alternate – 10 Squats Jumps, 10 Squats every light pole. Mosey to Love Hill:Lunges 30 yardsNative American Run to the GardenMosey to the Fish Bowl. Jacobs Ladder (Splinter choose a hill)Start at the bottom and run to the top of the hill 1 Burpee, back down…

A band of 14 gathered for a Handshake Anniversary Q and this is what transpired: Mosey to far Roundabout over by the Devil’s Triangle for a COP of various exercises. We could see Fudd cruising in fashionably late. Mosey to the Sunken Field and pick up Fudd along the way. Mini Beast while completing 5 reps for each iteration. Round 1 – 5 Hand Release Merkins, Round 2 – 5 (2) Count Flutter Kicks, Round 3 – Jump Squats Mosey to the bottom of the Amphitheater – Round 1 (Bottom to top) – 5 Carolina Dry Docks, 5 WWII’s, Round…

A baker’s dozen emerged from the gloom near Dogwood Dell on this crisp 70 and Sunny February morning for an opportunity to improve themselves. This is how it went. Mosey to Reservoir for COP – All IC – SSH, Helicopters, DQ, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, LBCs, APDs Mosey to the Boathouse on Boat Lake for Dirty Mac Deuce – four sets of three exercises OYO – 12 double count reps/four count cadence/whatever…24 of them. After a set, run around the triangle (about .25 mile distance). Set 1 – Merkins, LBCs, Lunges; Set 2 – HR Merkins, Reverse LBCs, Jump…

COP: arm circles, cherry pickers, DQs, SSHs, Mt. climbers, WWIIs & Merkins. Mosey to Carillon Field for Eye of the Storm: Start in the center of the field. Burpees x 5 then run to a corner, perform the following exercises, and back to the center until all 4 corners completed. Also, perform burpees x 5 upon each return to center. Corner 1: Squat Jumps x 5, Corner 2: SSH x 30, Corner 3: Merkins x 30, Corner 4: LBC x 30…it was at the end of this one that EFH began to get a little intimate with my headlamp. Luckily,…

A crazy 10 cranked it to 11 on 2/11. After performing an abbreviated rendition of Fletch in about six minutes, off we went to the first circle for COP. Hilarity ensured and we dropped down to the amphitheater. Starting at the top, perform 18 box cutters for each level you are on. Decrease by one per step until the first pax member reaches the bottom. Everyone stops and returns up the steps with incrementing monkey humpers. Off to the rusty cage for pulls ups. Round 1 = 10, round 2 = 8, and round 3 = 6. Over to the…

20 Strong hit Dogpile and here is how it went down. Mossy to the Theatre for warmups 8 incline merkins up the steps to the top – 8 dips back down. Love Hill run to the top – exercises bear crawl, lunges, broad jump burpee walk out merkins ukranie soldiers crab walk. 4 sets 8 wilson boxing cockroach curb crawl up to 8 native american run pole smokers 8 – holding 6 inches/flutter kicks Ring of fire dealers choice 8 merkins Thank you all for coming out and for allowing me to lead. It was a beautiful cold morning. Apologies…

Five men emerged from the gloom to push themselves to be a little bit better than they were the day before. Based on the detailed notes taken by YHC it went like this: COP: All IC – SSH, Helicopters, DQs, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, APDs, LBCs Mosey to the Field – Four Corners – 10 HR Merkins, 20 Regular Merkins, 30 LBC, 40 2 ct Lunges The plan for the day called for a few triple checks, difficult to manage with a PAX of 5. Upchuck related the concept of a blank check where a ghost runner stood in for the…

A total of 46 guys, including an FNG (big respect) showed up today for the first RVA CSAUP event in quite a while. An eager 45 (including 3 ruckers) gathered before 0600 in the dark gloom of Dogpile ready to roll. The temperature lived up the CSAUP name, it was chilly, but the adrenaline was flowing. 0600 on YHC’s watch, so the ruckers hit the road and the rest of us grabbed the shovel flags and moseyed to the COP circle for disclaimer (you v you and pay attention to your body) and COP, including: SSHs DQs Helicopters Deadman Hangs…

Twenty-one brothers, including Hardwood (more on this in a minute) posted to honor the 21 year anniversary of those who gave their lives in the shooting at the Appalachian School of Law. (January 16, 2002). It was a moment I will never forget, and these are three people I will aways remember. Each year, I lead this Q for entirely selfish reasons. It is annual cleanse, of sorts. We start off by taking a knee and learning about Angela Dales, Thomas Blackwell and Dean Anthony Sutin. After that, we run a Silent Mile. For me, I reflect on Angela, Tom,…

16 gloom warriors showed up at the AO to see what Swirly had in mind to celebrate 8 years of F3. Due to Swirly coming down with Covid, Swirly made a call to the bullpen and YHC took the Q. According to the deer at the edge of the woods that watched the entire workout, this might be what transpired: Mosey to the first circle for the following: Invisible Jumpropes, DQs, Merkins and LBCs. Mosey to the poles beside the road. Hold six inches while the first PAX perform Heels to Heaven Native American style until all poles were used.…

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