Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Dogpile

Byrd Park

Following a day of heavy rain and tornado warnings, daylight savings brought the sun out early to confirm it was going to be a beautiful, if not a bit warmer than expected day at the Carillon on its way to Sunny and 70. On occasion of this 12th day of November, QIC arrived with some ideas of how to celebrate his 49th trip around the sun. As documented by YHC it went something like this: COP – SSH (11), Helicopters (12), Imperial Walkers (11), DQ (12), Stretches, Forward Lunge (6), Backward Lunge (6), Side Lunge (6), LBC (19), HR Merkin…

Nine men violated Saturday morning sleep-in norms, chose the strenuous path, and congregated at Dogwood Dell for a beatdown. Here’s what happened. Mosey to circle near amphitheater for COP: SSH IC x 20Nancy Kerrigan SSH IC x 10 each legSmurfjacks IC x 10Don Quijote IC x 10Arm twist/upper spine stretch (needs a name) x 10 OYOArm circles IC x 10 small + 5 big, reversoCopperhead squat IC x 10Ball dippers IC x 10Dirty dog IC x 10 Mosey to Golden Triangle – partner up At top – 35 PLTs, 5 booyah merkinsAt bottom – 30 PLTs, 10 booyah merkinsAt top…

Four men were possessed by the Spirit, 13 more are still haunted by nightmares from the 80s. Here are the terrifying Tales from the Crypt: SLAUGHTER Starter (10 Burpees OYO) Mosey over to the VITA Graveyard COP (IC) Ghost Jump RopesGoblin SquatsZombie SoldiersJazzercisesSweat DevilsFreddy KruegersHeels to HELLGrave Digger Merkins Mosey to the street corner A Nightmare on Blanton Avenue 2 Burpees per Lightpole down one side, back up the other Mosey to Camp Crystal Lake Friday the 13th (think Sharks and Minnows) PAX moves across the lake using any animal movementJason Vorhees (YHC) is the Thrasher (tag PAX while Bearcrawling)Repeato…

12 Brothers gathered this morning for a little bit of old and a little bit of new. COP: 10x helicopters, 10x DQ, 21x SSH #1 (Old) various crawls. Gather at edge of circle. 1a: Bear Crawl in, 5 merkins, Crawl bear back, 5 Merkins. 2 minutes continuous. 1b: Same, except using crab walk. 1c: Same except using gorilla walk. #2 (Old) head to field for some Whamo Lunge walks with dealers choice exercises. #3 (Old) Partner Pull ups, 1,2,3,4,5 Chin ups, 4,3,2,1. Alternate reps with partner. #4 (New) Conveyor belt. Pax splits into groups of 6 arranged on successive steps…

14 of the regions finest came to witness if a rare Lockjaw Saturday sighting. Some talk at the beginning quickly rolled into a mosey to the first circle for COP. Over the amphitheater for descending Box Cutters on the way down. We did some yoga at the bottom waiting for the 6 and then ascending Carolina Dry-docks back up. Over to the field for an ascending Red Barchetta. 10% of the field for for 10 HRM10% of the field for for 10 HRM, 25% for 25 mountain climbers10% of the field for for 10 HRM, 25% for 25 mountain climbers,…

Fourteen strong hit the 4.5 out of 5 star Google rated Dogwood Dell parking lot for a Q that was 3 1/2 years in the making. Yes, YHC had not Q’d Dogpile since March 2019. YHC doesn’t know why, but it doesn’t matter. YHC is back and trying to post regularly on Saturdays again. So, let’s get to it! Mosey to the field in front of the Carillon and head down the field alternating between Butt Kickers, High Knees, Karaoke L/R and Bernie Sanders. Circle up at the end of the field for: COT: DQ’s, DMH, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s,…

10 rested souls ready to take on the day.. What’s the Jump Rope for? Warmorama: Mosey to the Toll Booth, SSH, DQ, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBC, Rosalitas The Thang: 1 Mile short cut to the Rusty Cage for a Triple Check.1. Knee Ups, 2. Squats, 3. Run to the Fire Hydrant + 1 Burpee. 3 Rounds add an extra Burpee each round. Mosey to the Penny Stage and grab a Coupon.1 Person goes on stage and Jump Ropes to 30. Snag the jump rope and you start over. The Jump Rope is the clock. When you get…

According to anecdotal accounts of events, 11 men materialized from the gloom at Dogwood Dell to take part in organized exercise and self-improvement. This is what transpired. PAX started carrying coupons freshly snipped from the latest Penny Saver over to the Ha’ Penny Stage where CoP was convened: SSH IC x 10, Helicopters IC x 10, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Dead Man Hang, LBC IC x 10, The Merkin IC x 10 Remaining in the general vicinity, Touch a Tree: Partner up with one coupon per team, 3 rounds, runner touches 4 different trees per round. Coupon exercises per…

33 Dudes missed the national holiday memo to rest on this day. Instead they worked at this sweat shop : Mosey to grass circle in front of tower Warmarama : 20 SSH IC, 10 Marching Soldiers IC, 10 Don Q’s IC, 10 Cherry Pickers IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Merkins IC Mosey to grass field by the Tower Quarter Pounder – Sprint 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Bernie Sanders back to start. Sprint 50 yards and do 50 squats, Bernie back to start. Sprint 75 yards and do 75 DOUBLE COUNT Mountain Climbers, Bernie back to start. Sprint…

What should have been a unique exploration of RVA’s most bucolic and sprawling AO’s lovely lakes turned out to be a brutal death march. Nevertheless, 9 brave souls answered the call, soldiered on to the end and got this beat down done. COP: arm circles, cherry pickers, DQs, SSHs, Mt climbers, WWIIs & Merkins. The Thang: At Shields Lake, we partnered up and Wheelbarrowed for 20 steps, then lunged together (20 single count), then switched positions for another 20 steps of Wheelbarrows, followed up by a 20 count run, before we Rinsed and Repeated.  Audible: Only 10 lunges and 40 count run.  This…

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