Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Batteau

Forest Hill Park

7 warriors fought the disease known as comfort this fine Monday morning. There was working to be done and according to legend it went a little something like this. COP: SSH X 20, IW X 20, WWI X 20, FC X 20, HRM RL X 5, HRM LL X 5, HRM X 5, CS X 10, Arm Circle X 1 Pax mosey over to the coupon factory and pick a suitable steed. Mosey over to Spring Square. Three Rounds of the following: 5 Decline Merkins with right hand on coupon, 5 Merkins with left hand on coupon, 5 regular Decline…

It was a usual Batteau hot potato, with some unusual rain. Swirley started us out with side straddle hops and a host of other not on the ground warm-up exercises. Swirley then rolled us into 3x run up hill with 10x derkins and 10x dips in between each hill run. Hand off to Bleeder who took us up to the top of Forest Hill Park for 5x run with progressive WW2’s. Run to light pole 1 come back and do 10 WW2’s (shielded from the rain in the pavilion). Then run to the next light pole come back and do…

Three Veterans and one Visitor (so it felt) assembled for a smoke fest this morning. COP: SSH, Helicopters, DQ’s, Cherry Pickers, Copper Head Squats, American Hammers, Freddie Mercury, Shoulder Taps, Merkins. Mosey to top of steps, partner up. Partner 1 holds plank, while partner 2 runs to bottom of steps, performs 5 dips on the bench, back up to meet partner and perform 5 Booyah Merkins before switching. 5 rounds of this, increasing the dips by 5 each round. So, 5 th round is 25 dips, with the 5 Booyah’s. Pick a rock and start just before the maintenance building.…

5 PAX gathered for a crisp fall Hot Potato workout. R1. Swirly leading COP–SSH, DQ, Scorpion kicks, Scorpion kicks on back, Flutter kicks Merkins R2. Swirly leading. A circuit of Running the big loop (2x, the timer), Step ups, Abyss Merkins and Dips R3. Face plant leading. Mosey to bowl for 15 x Derkins, then head to the bottom of the hill for a WW2, Burpee Hill run. 20x WWII, run up hill to first light pole 3 Burpees, 15x WWIIs, run up hill to 2nd light pole, 6 burpees. Continue to 4th light pole adding 3 burpees and subtracting…

It was a nice cool morning over at Batteau with some Batteau regulars. Like most Monday mornings at Batteau we all got to flex our creative muscles with a Hot Potato! Bleeder started us out with some side straddle hops, merkins, LBCs, DQs and a couple other morning stretching essentials that are escaping me. Bleeder proceeded to lead us in an episode of four corners around the tennis court, we started with 10 Merkins, 10 box cutters, 10 World War II’s, and 15 double count mountain climbers. For each exercise we ran one lap and a quarter times around the…

5 PAX regulars arrived at Batteau with Sippy Cup running his way to COP at 0530, and yes, Hot Potato Q for this Monday. Swirly took lead and over to tennis courts for COP and it went something like this–SSH, Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Planks, Merkins, LBC’s, and Flutter Kicks. Swirly kept Q and over to the playground we went: x 5 pullups, x 5 dips for 5 sets. Mosey to picnic table-x 10 Incline Merkins, x 10 step ups for 5 sets. Q handed to Bleeder. Bleeder leads us back down the steps, that were lined with trees,…

3 strong posted for Batteau this morning and here is how it went down. I’m gonna do my best here – this was a microwaved hot potato – things happened fast ! Swirly – COP : stretching and warm up exercises 🙂 Tennis courts : bear crawl to fence 10 donkey kicks bear crawl back – repeat with Lunges – repeat with polar bears – repeat with High knees and 10 derkins – repeat with Karaoke and derkins . Sippy Cup : ring around the water bottle shoulder crusher with planks, 6 inches spiderman. Starting block sprints on the tennis…

4 Hardwoods arrived at Batteau for a morning Beatdown. THE THANGMosey to Tennis Courts COP – 20X SSH, 10X Merkins, 10X Don Quixote, 25X LBC Mosey to pick up Stones, Pair up, run and Arm Curls etc. 4X Mosey to playground, 5x Pullups, 10X incline Merkins, 15 X Dips – repeat 3x Mosey to Tree line along maintenance road- 5x Hand Release Merkins – run to every tree & repeat, Return with Lunges, 15 x WWII and 15x Knee bends, alternating at each tree. Mosey back to Tennis Courts – 4 corner, 10x Flutter Kicks, 10X Heels to Heaven, 10x…

Sorry for the late post ya’ll forgot to write it before I left this morning. YHC was watching the Dallas / Saints game and a little board so YHC opened the Q sheet to see who was at Batteau. No Q, well I guess you have to sign up right? 7 healthy solders showed up to see what Doozy had in store. COP: Head to the Pickle ball court, dq’s, helicopters, cherry pickers, bat wings, heals to heaven, LBC’s Mosey to stone landing area: Man Killers followed by three sets of dips (x20), run up the hill, squats (x20) Mosey…

5 able bodied soldiers showed up at Batteau in the early morning light or non-Light wondering who was the Q. DTH was on the list but its 5:30 and he is not here, Swirly do you want to take the COP? Absolutely, lets mosey. COP – Swirly YHC was not awake yet and didn’t think he would be writing the BB so I may be missing some exercises or they may be out of order. SSH, Helicopters, DQ’s, Scorpions, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, flutter kicks and merkins. Mosey – Face Plant Stone landing area – 10 Merkins, 10 Derkins, 20 Dips…

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