Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: #VQ

Nine brave souls (including 1 FNG) fought off the fartsack to partake in ByProduct’s VQ at Gridiron on this beautiful humid morning.  After a few jokes about this morning’s cherry picking, we got down to business.   COP (IC): SSH – 49X Arm Circles – 15X/5X/15X/5X Don Quixotes – 15X Helicopters – 15X Imperial Walkers – 15X Crab Cakes – 15X The Thang: Mosey to the volleyball courts where we began the fun with 7 burpees.  The PAX was then instructed to bear crawl to mid-court for another set of 7 burpees followed by some sand crab walks to the…

Eighteen stout-hearted men, including one FNG, arrived early in the gloom to see what Sabotage, YHC, had to offer for his VQ. Despite arriving ridiculously early to check out the AO after last night’s downpour, YHC pulls into the parking area to see Big Blue staring him in the face. Made a mental note- to be the first PAX on the scene for WDog, you might as well arrive the night before and sleep in your car. After waking the PAX up by playing the Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage” (don’t hate just because you don’t have your own theme song), here’s…

Roper’s impromptu VQ? Shakedown’s FNG brother? Hot poultry taeks from Döner Kebab? EF HUTTON batting for the old school corporate cycle? What else could you want out of a 530AM workout?!? I LOVE THIS GAME. THE THANG Mosey to the parking lot for Circle of Pain CIRCLE OF PAIN 20 SSH 10 merkins 15 DQ 15 WW2 sit ups 15 Copperhead Squats 20 JVille Hip-Hop Hillbillies Mosey to the near field REGAL BEAGLE Four corners with the following at each corner. Merkins x10 Flutter kicks x20 Monkey humpers x30 LBCs x40 THE RENT’S LATE! Ultra polar Bear – line up…

On this day in 1821, Panama declared itself free from Spanish rule, joining Simon Bolivar’s project of a unified continent in Gran Colombia. In 1912, Albania shook free from the Ottoman Empire. 1958 saw Chad, Gabon, and Republic of Congo gain autonomy from France. Two years later on this day, Mauritania followed. East Timor saw it as a good day to go solo as well in 1975, and not to be left out, South Ossetia did its best in 1991 to part ways with Georgia. In celebration of so many independence movements, six brave souls set out across Heartbreak Ridge…

Returning to the scene of the crime from the past February double-Q chapter with Yardsale, it was time to take a “look back” again for more Hindsight on July 21 (deja vu / but new and improved) Everything makes sense in hindsight. 14 Davillians including 5 strapping 2.0s ditched their fart sacks on this HOT July 21st – Ready to rumble at The Creek at 5:30am (well, 5:31, sorry). The SF was planted next to the shovel flag and PAX ran to side parking lot. This is how it went down: COP (ALL IC) 21 SSH 21 Split Jacks 21…

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