Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Throwing Off the Chains of Oppression


On this day in 1821, Panama declared itself free from Spanish rule, joining Simon Bolivar’s project of a unified continent in Gran Colombia. In 1912, Albania shook free from the Ottoman Empire. 1958 saw Chad, Gabon, and Republic of Congo gain autonomy from France. Two years later on this day, Mauritania followed. East Timor saw it as a good day to go solo as well in 1975, and not to be left out, South Ossetia did its best in 1991 to part ways with Georgia.

In celebration of so many independence movements, six brave souls set out across Heartbreak Ridge to stand in solidarity with the rights of men everywhere to live freely. Life began simply enough… COP included SSHx20, Don Quixote x 10, Arm Circles x 15 & reverso, Freddie Mercury x 25, Merkins x 20.

THE OPPRESSIVE RULER. Since many independence movements begin under an oppressive government, Q continued to work the PAX in cadence, removing all freedom of thought or movement. Three rounds through the following:

  • 20 copperhead squats
  • 10 2-count mountain climbers
  • 20 merkins

POLITICAL UNREST & PERIODS OF STABILITY. Independence movements always come with some combination of unrest and stability. Mosey to the top of HBR. Partner A demonstrates “political unrest” by running down HBR, Bernie back to the top. Partner B demonstrates “stability” at each interval: Balls to the Wall, Wall Sit, Squat & Hold, Elbow Plank.

Mosey to bus loop. In honor of Nov. 28 occurring a mere 56 times on a Tuesday over the last 400 years, 56 LBCs.

FUGITIVES. Even successful independence efforts end up with players on the wrong side of history who’ve gotta make a run for it…fugitives form groups of 3. Partner A carries B on his back, while C completes 20 merkins. C becomes A, A becomes B, B becomes C as they complete a lap around the school.

Partner leg toss x20, curb dips x 20, repeat for good measure. Mosey back to flag for Mary. 25 WWII’s (plus a few since Q started w/o the 6!), Ring of Fire, 2-count chicken peckers x20, American Hammers x 20.

MOLESKIN: Well done today, men. I first picked up with y’all here at the Ridge back in August and was just trying to survive. Glad to take the next step and have a VQ this morning!


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  1. Damn mad I am out of town to miss this one, looks like a fantastic VQ Mr Holland. Looking forward to many more.

  2. Strong Strong VQ Mr. Holland. Coming out of the gate with a Themed Beatdown and it sounds like a smoker…Impressive

  3. I fartsacked HARRRD this morning Mr. Holland but that looks like a great Q and I’m glad to see you are taking Honeydo’s themed Qs to heart!

    Can’t wait for the next one, I’m there! 🙂