Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Source of Truth

Midlothian Middle

18 strong men made their way to Midlothian from all different directions and according to the bus drivers this is what happened Everyone (Runners and Bootcampers) mosey down the hill for COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers Everyone mosey around the track to drop of 3 frisbees at 4 points around the track middle of both straightaways and in the middle of both turns Bootcampers do one of the exercises written on the frisbee while runners run one lap (alternating speed each lap – Slow then Fast) once lead runner returns from lap Bootcampers run to next set of…

15 HIM looking forward to a DTH Q joined YHC this morning at SOT for a substitute Q. Here’s what went down. Mosey to the top of Mt. St. Midlo for COP: SSHs, DQs, Cherry Pickers, Urkainian Soldiers, Merkins, LBCs Triple Check: Using only half of Mt. Midlo (the steeper half), partner 1 runs up to the top of the hill and back while partner 2 does merkins and partner 3 flutter kicks. Long mosey to track and bleachers. Dora: 100 one and half dips, 200 box jumps, 300 squats Long indigenous people’s run BTTF with PAX performing 2 burpees…

19 strong posted in the most populated SOT in a fortnight. The damp conditions were no match for these gloom warriors as they slayed the morning. COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Tic/Toc’s, Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Flutters, Dollies.   The thang: Century Club on the track divided. 1st lap 100 Merkins run a full lap, 2nd 50 LBCs at start and halfway, 3rd lap 25 squats at each 1/4, 4th lap 12.5 Flutters at each 1/8th, 5th lap 10 monkey humpers at each 1/10th. Mosey to hill and partner up.…

14 studs posted to SOT for a Tryhard Running Bootcamp. Some were happier about then others, but everyone got a good sweat and did stuff they’d have never done alone. The THANG: Mosey over to Mount Midlo and circle up for an F3 Welcome, Disclaimer, and brief outline of the planThe Plan: Run a big loop, stopping a bunch of times to work out (YHC hadn’t planned exactly what exercises, but it worked out OK)31 days in August, so we started with 31 reps, then moseyed a ways, and stopped for 30 reps, then moseyed a ways, then stopped for…

10 bootcampers and 4 runners gathered together at THE source of tricep soreness. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure: Mosey to the front of the school for warm-up:Ukranian SoldiersMonkey Love MakersMummy KicksAlabama Prom DatesHand Release MerkinsHigh Knees Butt KicksSquatting Side Shuffles x 2Bernie Sanders To Mount Midlo for Exercise One:Indigenous Peoples Crab Walk – worked our way down the hill, man in the back breaks off and does burpees x2, then runs to the front. Exercise Two: Suicides up Mount Midlo – 3 stopping points. WWII sit-ups x5 when you hit the bottom. CHALLENGE: All PAX do…

6 hungry souls gathered in the Gloom then realized the Q sheet was open. 5 tried to scramble for a Hot Potato but YHC was too quick and grabbed the Q for an all meat and no potato type of day. Here’s what happened : Mosey to Mount Midlo down to the bottom Warmarama : 20 SSH IC, 10 Don Q’s IC, 10 Cherry Pickers IC, 10 *MARCHING* Soldiers IC (you’re welcome Wilson), 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Merkins IC 11’s up and down Mount Midlo. Start with 1 Merkin at the bottom and 10 Standard Sit Ups at the…

5 not so regular, regulars made their way to SOT to see what Doozy had on his mind. After Bobber explained how he woke up with leg cramps, YHC explained how today was going to be a leg day. 5:30 off to work out the cramps COP in the bus lot Dead Man Hangs, DQs, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, LBCs Mosey around the back of the school with some Lunges, Butt Kickers and High Knees thrown in for fun On the hill for a 5 man Triple Check, Partner (set) one does wall sits (low), Partner (set) two does Ball…

With vacations, work trips, and illness there were no runners at SOT today! Or were there ? According to the bus driver doing a little wake and bake, it went down more or less like this: Welcome and disclaimer first. Followed by a semi-Slaughter start with a Shake and Bake. 5 merkins then run to the front. Mosey around the school and down to the track. Warm up with various exercises including Jazzercise, SSH, Reverse Scorpion Kicks, and Hairy Rockettes. 400 meters at 50% Triple check by concession stand Balls to wall Run up hill Peoples char 400 meters at…

12 – Dudes were welcomed to SOT today with a downpour of rain from 5:27 – 5:31, just enough to make ya mad, but we worked the anger off. Mosey – COP – SShs, Dead Man Hang, DQs, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers Mosey to Church – Ascending 4 Corners – 10 Merkins, 25 Squats, 50 Mountain Climbers, 75 SSHs Triple Check – Runner, LBCs, Dry Docks 4 Corners – 5 Burpees, 10 Burpees, 20 WWIIs, 40 WWIIs Mosey to School Arms up for a jog Tennis Courts – 2 75% runs, 2 Bob and Weave length of…

10 HIM made their way to SOT, 5 took off for a run and 5 headed out for a bootcamp that turned into a run. Mosey to the front of the school for a COP DQ’s, Dead Man Hang, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Rosalittas or Dollies (Nancy told YHC he was doing the wrong ones, and he was right) Mosey – Pick up the frisbees and the medicine ball on the way, head to the parking lot next to the track Place 12 frisbees, 1 per space in the parking lot with the medicine ball closest to the track. At…

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