Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Substitute Q


15 HIM looking forward to a DTH Q joined YHC this morning at SOT for a substitute Q. Here’s what went down.

Mosey to the top of Mt. St. Midlo for COP:

SSHs, DQs, Cherry Pickers, Urkainian Soldiers, Merkins, LBCs

Triple Check:

Using only half of Mt. Midlo (the steeper half), partner 1 runs up to the top of the hill and back while partner 2 does merkins and partner 3 flutter kicks.

Long mosey to track and bleachers.

Dora: 100 one and half dips, 200 box jumps, 300 squats

Long indigenous people’s run BTTF with PAX performing 2 burpees when at the end of the line.

30 seconds remaining…5 burpees.

Numbers, names, prayer requests, Herme took us out.


DTH has been feeling under the weather and reached out yesterday to some of us about taking the Q. Today just felt like a good day to Q and so YHC grabbed the chance. Even though YHC would not consider this morning’s beatdown to be running heavy (we only covered 2.3 miles), some of the PAX seemed to disagree. YHC will admit this…the 200 box jumps may have been a bit much. But you guys just persevere.

Welcome to Whisper (FNG brought out by Rosco). Whisper was originally dubbed Magoo due to him being an eye doctor and Magoo some old blind cartoon character. But Q’s prerogative prevails. After finding out that our FNG plays saxophone in some local bands, George Michael was suggested followed by Careless Whisper and thus Whisper was born. Hope to see you back out soon Whisper!

Prayers that DTH recovers quickly and that the crud doesn’t interfere with his travels to Orlando and his speech at a medical missions conference.

Also, Florence mentioned that a woman was out exercising at 430 in the morning in Memphis and was abducted and killed. F3nation is asking PAX members to suggest to their female friends that exercise early in the mornings to locate an F3 group and exercise nearby. Safety in numbers.

Thanks for letting me lead today. Have a great day fellas! Make it a good one. Peace…I’m out!


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