Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: MANNdate

Six soldiers congregated at the Washington Henry battlefield and conquered the morning kettlebell-style. Here is what happened: Mosey to side of school COP (All exercises IC) SSH x 20 Neck circles x 10 Arm circles x 10 Hip circles x 10 Copperhead squats x 15 Technique Practice Half Pax does face-the-wall squats for two minutes. Other half serves as look-out (ensuring no one gets charged for indecent exposure) and performs hand-to-hand cleans. [Switch] Mosey to center of track Partner kettlebell shuttle runs Partners line up across from each other, about 20…

Three posted for a little kettlebell work on a foggy and humid morning. This is what they did COP all IC SSH x 15 APD x 10 LBC x 10 Arm Circles x 10 small 5 big (reverso) Triple Check x 3 Sit up Press Boat/Canoe Waiter carry around the parking lot Four Corners Lawn Mower x 25 each side Waiter carry Clean and Press x 25 each side Rack carry Goblet Squats x 50 Waiter Carry other arm Snatch x 25 Rack Carry other arm Numberama Namearama Blue Cheese took us out NMS No one had taken the Q…

Six of the faithful posted at #MannDate on a dark, humid morning with kettlebells in hand. Johnsonville, visiting from southside, took the Q and this is how things went down, more or less: THANG: Extended warmup with 50x ssh, 50x LBC, 50x arm circles front, 50x arm circles back, pickle pounders, and crab cakes DORA (extended) pairing up, with one man running the parking lot loop (about 230m I would guess) and one man performing the kettlebell exercises. Once the runner returned, the pair flip flopped maintaining aggregate counts. The DORA exercises were: 50x sit and press 100x lawnmower pulls…

6 happy party goers arrived to celebrate Chewy’s V-Q on his birthday. Here is how the party went down COP all IC SSH x 26 Helicopters x 13 Imperial Walkers x 13 LBC x 13 Arm Circles x 13 small 6.5 big reverso Triple Check x 3 rounds Goblet Squats x 26 Boat/Canoe Hell-BC – begin burpee, after merkin roll to your six and perform 5 LBCs, roll back over to another merkin and   finish the burpee break into groups of three with one PAX member on each exercise. Once 26 squats are done, rotate to next exercise Four Corners…

6 men posted on a beautiful morning at Washington Henry Elementary to move some cast iron around. This is what occurred COP all IC SSH x 20 DQ x 10 Hillbillies x 10 Arm Circles  x 10 small 5 big and reverso Pyramid Two had swings One hand swings 2 count Snatch 2 count Thrusters 2 count Lawn mowers 2 count Sit-up press Diamond merkins on bell Do all each round, increasing count by one each round. Ten rounds up and then back down to one Numberama Namearama Announcements Reese Strong 5K 9/16 2nd F at Brewville at 5:30 to…

Seven hardy souls, along with their bodies, graced the campus of WHE to pump some iron and help YHC with his second Q.  Here’s how it went down: All exercises were done with either 10, 12 or 22 reps, to celebrate my 2.0’s 50 meter freestyle swim time (120 seconds) in the last meet of the season. Warm-up 10 Don Quixotes 12 small arm circles 10 big arm circles 22 Freddie Mercurys Mosey to back of school, as usual YHC walked fast and left the PAX in his dust!  I can’t run, but boy can I walk! Four corners…

COP all IC SSH X 15 DQ x 10 Hillbillies x 10 Indian Burpees PAX lines up and perform burpees the six run up to lead from playground to post Death Crawl Polar Bears Bear crawl 5 steps with KB one merkin with hand on KB spin around one merkin with other had on KB crawl bear 5 steps with KB from post to playground Mosey to track for Lindsey 30 merkin rows and 10 situp presses run a lap then increase and decrease by 10 Some Abomination That Did Not Work I don’t know what happened here there were…

No man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thine own Or of thine friend’s were. Each man’s death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know For whom the (kettle)bell tolls, It tolls for thee. — John Donne 5 Burly men braved the fierce humidity and themselves this morning.  None were lost. COP — helicopters don quixotes arm circles chinooks…

Seven fortunate gents showed up to help YHC with his VQ.  Spit brought the flag, YHC planted it, and with no LIFO’s we started out on a pleasantly cool morning. COP, in cadence 15 SSH, 15 merkins, 15 small arm circles, 10 big arm circles, 15 Don Quixotes Mosey to back of school, time to partner up! 1 partner ran around the track, the other lovingly did kettle bell figure eights while lunging, switching legs each time.  There was some mumblechatter about this, which YHC noted and ignored.  Partners switched off until each had run around the track 4 times.…

11 Brave Souls gathered on a cloudy first day of summer for a Kettle Bell workout. Started off with a mosey to the front of the school to warmup. Warmup:  20 SSH, 20 Merkins, 20 WWII Situps with your bell and arm circles – 10 forward large then 5 small and reverse. The Workout: Partner Up – one swings kettle bell (switching arms when they want) while the other runs a lap around the bus loop.  Each partner did this 5 times. 4 Corners of the Bus Loop, lunging between in a group.  1st Corner – 20 Goblet Squats (4…

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