Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: FlexFriday

12 shy gentlemen went on a blind date with Cindy. She was a mean ole bessie. Here’s the torture she put us through : Mosey lap around parking lot Circle up for Definition of 3 F’s, Core Principles, Mission Statement and Disclaimers Warmarama : 20 SSH IC, 10 Ukrainian Soldiers IC, 15 IW’s IC, 10 Merkins IC THE THANG : Grab a Cindy and mosey to playground 15 Blockees (Burpee on the Cindy, pick it up on the way up and do an overhead press) *From this point forward until time expires, carry Cindy and don’t let her touch the…

Goodmorning F3RVA: 10 HIMs charged New Market’s infamous Satan’s Hill this morning to ready for the upcoming takeover of all F3RVA starting tomorrow! Mudslide and Heist took the reins this morning for Flex Friday. Warmup: 3 Laps around the parking lot Helicopters Arm circles (Front and Back) Copperhead squats L.B.Cs A.P.Ds Front Scorpion stretch Planks with some merkins Cobra and downward dog stretch Part 1: 11s across the parking lot with cinderblock squats and merkins (feel the burn!) Part 2: Mixed bag Split into three groups. One group worked with mudslide and did sandbag carry/atlas stone/bucket carry. The other two…

Heeeelllo F3 RVA. 12 dudes got it done today at Satan’s Hill on this glorious Cinco de Mayo. Hermes and Heist put together a combination of Cinderblock stations and Kárate. Here is how everything went down: Intro to F3 and disclaimer statement made. Need to write this down clearly, but point was made. Warmorama: SSH Hillbillies (very difficult to count this) Ukrainian Soldiers Merkins LBC Deadman hang (left/right) Block work Many block stations with cardboard cards calling out exercises, including: Sumo squat Sumo squat high Pull Feet on block werkins Block Deadlift Block front squats Block plyo pushups Block swings…

Good afternoon….a little issue with trying to get things coming up so I can complete this. Flex fridays I like to throw in a mixture of new and old things(see how they come out). What happens is I start to think with new things to bring out and try. I think of one, then 2 more hit. Here’s what we did today For myself, even the Warmaramma can be changed up from time to time. So this morning it was: SSH in Cadence(10), full arm circles forwards and backwards(10), Chainbreakers in cadence(10), Swimmers(10), Cherry Pickers(10), Windmills(10), Squat Thrust(half burpee) 10…

10 dudes got swole for another Flex Friday at Satan’s Hill.  Warmorama: Up the Hill and Back. CHS (20x), UKS (20x), Merkins (20x), OYO stretch 60 seconds.  Grab the Cindys for some warmup sets of sumo squats, deadlift, push press, etc. What we did: Part 1: Cindy 11s I kind of swore off burpees yesterday…after a solid whooping by the likes of McGruff, OC and Florence this week. Deep down, I knew my inner “B” had gotten the best of me…so tapped into that PAX energy for a nasty set of 11s. Start with 1 burpee cinder block (more like…

Starting to feel more like sunny and 70. The bugs are making noises and it is feeling good outside. Perfect day to get after it! 12 (that’s right T W E L V E) dudes got swole for another Flex Friday at Satan’s Hill.  Warmorama: SSH (20x), CHS (20x),UKS (10 x), Dead Man Hang, Sitting Hamstring stretch, LBCs (15x), Merkins (10x), Hip Flexor stretches, Fudd/Wilson stretch, OYO stretch 30 seconds.  What we did: Part 1: Cindy work and corners: 3x rounds as follows: Corner 1 – 20x Cindy Bench Press (walk to corner 2 with cindy tight to chest) Corner…

A good turnout of 9(originally 8 Hardywood was a little late. When I saw his vehicle, I went “who in the blue hell is this?”). The idea today after yesterday’s training for the 2024 Olympics in the 4×400 relay(lets not quit the day job), come back and take it easy. I wanted to work on a few things that we normally don’t do and hit areas that we all need(trust me, older we get anything to help keep the muscles loose is a plus. Warm-up: SSH, Don Quixote, Helicopters, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead squats, Merkins, LBCs, Alabama Prom Dates,…

Good afternoon….a little break time as I near the end of my work week. I need to update things with what we did this morning. I wanted to change it up from last time…..work on more of that length of the body cause as we get older, the key is to stay loose and flexible plus stretch out the muscles that do not get worked. The start up(aka the warm-up) SSH, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBCs and Alabama Prom Dates to help get up warmed up and ready. Then it was time for the bands. Luckily…

8 of SOJ finest posted for the latest installment of FLEX Friday. This would be a true Flex Friday as YHC is limited on impact exercises (aka Running). Doc says typical is 2-3 months, however I am not typical and think more like 3-5 weeks. According to the summer breeze blowing here is what happened. COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, , Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Flutters, Dollies. The thang: Rings of Fire. Runner as timer and calls exercise with Coupons. 8 PAX so 8 exercises per round. Round 1…

Five dudes got swole for another Flex Friday at Satan’s Hill. Warmorama: SSH,ISW,CHS,Merkins,Werkins, APD, LBCs,Hip Flexor stretches, OYO stretch 60 seconds. What we did: Part 1: Mudslide busted out the flex bands of pain. Using flex bands, Pax completed rounds of: Heisman leaps – With flex band around waist, A man leaps left and right heisman style while B man holds flex band for resistance for sixty seconds (2x) Side Shuffles – With flex band around waist, A man shuffles to side as far as possible while B man holds flex band for resistance for sixty seconds. 2x Left/Center/Right drill…

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