Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: FlexFriday

5 men of F3 ready for Flex Friday. Not sure what Punxsutawney Phil had to say as it was 70 and Sunny at Satan’s Hill. Warmarama:SSH, Helicopters, Arm Circles, DQ, Merkins, WWII, Rosalitas, Flutter Kicks The Thang:Mosey to Wilson’s house for a triple check.WWII, Plank Jacks, Run – 3x Mosey back to the parking lot for 11’s.Round 1: Coupon Merkins <——-> Coupon Chest PressRun to the stop sign and back.Round 2: Coupon Squats <——–> Coupon LungesRun to the stop sign and back.Round 3: WWII <——–> American HammersPut the Coupons back, that’s time BTTF:Numberama: Namerama NMS: The SOJ boys did a…

6 dudes from the neighborhood watch thought about going to Twin Team but decided on ending the week with a real challenge. Take it easy another day boys. Welcome to another edition of FlexFriday. Warmarama:SSH, Helicopters, Michael Phelps, Rosalitas, Hello Dolly, Flutter Kicks, LBC, WWII The Thang:Mosey to the back trail and run to the cul-de-sac and then back to the parking lot.EMOM (every minute on the minute) 5 RoundsPick 1 station for 5 Rounds:Heals to Heaven 20xTricep Extensions 20x (Coupon)Jump Squats 20xMerkins 20xGoblet Squats 20x (50lbs kb)Rows 20x (Coupon)Kettlebell Swings 20x (35lbs kb)Curls 20x (Coupon) When 5 Rounds is…

Seven dudes got swole for another Flex Friday at Satan’s Hill. Disclaimers and bienvenidos. Warmorama: SSH (20), IW (20), copper head squats (10), Dead Man Hang (Center, Left, Right), Fwd and Rev Arm Circles (15 2x), Muricans (10x), mountain climbers (20x), calf stretches, stretch OYO for 45 seconds. The thang: Part 1: Mosey to our brand new cinderblocks, still have that fresh baked smell. 3x rounds of: Sumo squats, Regular squat, dead lifts, and lunges with Cindy. Each lift about 30 seconds performing as many clean reps as can be done. Between each lift we performed 10 SSH. Each round…

Five dudes got swole for another Flex Friday at Satan’s Hill.  5:27 a.m. I am greeted with a text from Oyster, “where are you”? Santa was on the way with presents of cold forged iron for all.  Warmorama: SSH, Ukrainian…ok ok Russian Soldiers, copper head squats, plank position alternate left and right arm up, plank jacks, mountain climbers.  What we did: Part 1: Mosey to the log pile: Setup 4 logs for round robin. One man runs to cul-de-sac and performs 20 merkins and 10 squats. Other guys did various log lifts. Presses, calf press, twist push and low squat…