Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Expansion

The OTB AO soft launch continued this week with a break from the Pocahontas Middle School track and core conditioning using blocks with a little adventure across the street.Today’s journey started with a 15 min prerun around the goose pond and back to the AO. Collect the gloves and time to head out.Left out of the parking lot onto Three Copt rd. SLight left onto the running path toward Geese landing (cutting out the section of Three Chopt that does not have a side walk). right onto the path to cut over to Thamesford Way. Hold at the entrance of…

2 Richmond pax met up on a cool morning for a nice Easy run. 4 miles total. NMS – seeking to recover a bit from IPC the pax decided an easy run was the way to go. Little vehicle traffic but we found the start of a large running training team and also a kettlebell workout. Somewhere out here is where we need another AO. Discussion on avoiding false gods and reminders to model personal responsibility; refrain from blaming others. Take action that impacts others positively. Get some.

We are looking for a mid week run west of Gaskins so Gypsy and I did a little recon around the AO. 6 miles starting at Three Chopt / Church Run, then along West Broad village and Pocahontas, around the Wellesley Lake and return. It was a good run – we are thinking that the expansion location might need to be further west. Get some!

A few of us have been talking about a run Wednesdays in the West end. It would fit in nicely between Heartbreak and Circus Maximus or Mary on Thursday. Today YHC tried a 6mile run that starts at Pocahontas. Three Chopt, Church, Westek Dragana, DRP, Turtle Creek, Pump, JRP, Three Chopt.

A group of vacationing beach goers took to the sands of IOP (Charleston, SC) to work off the effects of the previous evening, and here is what transpired: COP 25 SSH 20 IW 20 Russian soldiers 20 Russian Kickbacks 20 FM 10 2x merkins 15 Pickle Pounders 20 Helicopters 10 minutes of burpees Beast 2x Flutter kicks WWII sit-ups Storm squats Crab cakes Monkey humpers Merkins Mosey to back to the football field for an abbreviated arch loader Bear crawl Crawl bears Bunny hop Crab walk 25 PLTs Mosey to the wooden benches for dollar bills 25 dips 25 one-legged…

Written by QIC Maj. Payne After a long wait and many arduous hours of blood, sweat and tears, and a few beers, the men of Arlington finally planted a F3 shovel flag into the soil of Yorktown High School! Coming in strong with 24 PAX and a co-Q with YHC and one of F3 Churham’s best, Homes! Warm Up: 15 x SSH 15 x IW 10 x WMH 10 x small arm circles forward, 10 x Seal Claps, then 10 x small arm circles rearward 25 x Merkins The Thang: Homes took over and immediately invigorated the pax with his version…

The Charlottesville PAX are launching a new AO on Saturday 4/21 in Ivy, VA 15 minutes west of town. This is ideal for any men who live in the Crozet/Ivy area. If you know a man in that area please start EH’ing them and send their email to ivy@f3nation.com, direct them to f3cville.com, or get me or Speed Limit  their contact information. Let’s help them give it away.

Three veterans and one FNG decided that being two hours from Dogpile wasn’t a good enough reason to fartsack on a Saturday morning, and planted the proverbial flag at F3’s latest temporary AO: Crossroads Camp & Conference Center in lovely Lowesville, VA. So at 6am sharp, PAX headed to the hilly field for a beat down: THANG COP: SSH, DQ, IW, Freddie, flutterkicks, merkins It’s surely in the exicon somewhere, but YHC had no cell service to find the proper name, so “scatterbear” it was: 1 man does 5 burpees while PAX bear crawls away, man 1 chases and tags…