Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A True Gloom Run


YHC joined 5 runners in F3 Grand Strand this morning for a nice run to the beach

Route: Start for Horry Count Run Park and head up the trail to onto Robert Grissom Pkwy. The trail then took us to passed the YMCA into a new development. We crossed over Rt 17 then to a side road to get onto 65th Ave N. To 65th Ave to the Oceanfront to turned around came back the same way

Got in 5.15 miles this morning. The route was dark for the first 1/3rd of the run and these guys didn’t use headlamps or wear bright clothes. I guess they know their gloom.

It was great to post again downrange (this time with a PAX) and mumble chatter with these guys about life and F3 life in SC.



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