10 Faithful Friends arrived at Wdog for a beatdown; several had checked the Q sign-up sheet.( which can be checked here Q sign-up )
10 Burpees
11 Burpess
Run to Boatlake
Light Pole to Light pole 7x LBC’s 9x Box Cutter’s to half way, reverse run, with 7x Squat’s 9x Lt Dans.
Mosey to Tennis Courts
Suicides on the lines, with reverse back.
10 Burpees
Run back to Shovel Flag
11 Burpees
TYA noticed YHC was the Q yesterday, asked what YHC had in mind; he suggested Burpees. Occasionally, the Q will take requests, but always be weary of what is asked from YHC.
Great to Seles out at Wdog today, Glad to have you in RVA!
Swirly observed that YHC was not wearing gloves today, which a clue into what the legs and abs hand in store today.( side note/after effect – As YHC was driving this am, the manual transmission was making my left leg shake while sitting a a stoplight this morning.)
Hardywood commented that he was Qing several times this week; it’s practically a Hardywood takeover week; 4 out 7 days surveyed and they all chose Hardywood to Q.
Hampton Convergence Nov 10
Charlottesville 4 Miler Nov 11
What’s left of Bleeder out.
Well done, Bleeder! I, too, went gloveless based on the visual clues. Liberating! Sloppy seconds around the lake with all those damned LTDs have my legs barking today.
I did not know your father Bleeder, but judging from his 2.0 he was a stand-up guy and exemplified what the dash should be.
Could not abide the backwards running today, but the sloshing sounds we made as we rounded the lake made for some humorous mumble chatter…sophomoric-Saab was pleased.
Lt Dan had it coming…just saying.
Boom !
Bleeder with the curve ball ….Well done dude!
Make the most of your dash fella’s – words to live by for sure !
See y’all in the gloom..
This headline made me think of you guys.
Bleeder – Outstanding Q. I’ll leave the soppy stuff out, but I will say you are a damn good man. I’ve been thinking about the dash all day.
Yes, I signed up for a few Qs. I know when I need to focus and commit. Ramping up the Q sheet seems to do just the trick.
Keep on being super.
Thank you EF…I am both amused and flattered. (That must have improved the cat’s mood)
Sorry to have missed Bleeder. Outta town for work. Dang work is getting in the way of F3 this week. Working out by yourself sucks.
Turns out that focusing on the dash is making some cruddy situations much more bearable today;)
Reminder: 2nd Hour Double Dog October 21st. Push yourself, don’t hurt yourself.
To quote TYA,”People like hard stuff.”
Upchuck I thought you told me that a 60 minute workout was the Princeton of workouts that you were ready to show us the mighty “Crimson 120”.
Yes!! The internationally renowned Crimson 120.
Remind me…Was that the title of an early F3 workout for me, or my initial student loan balance?
My recollection is both were kick in the family jewels.