Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: TwinTeam

A double digit turn out converged onto Betty Weaver to experience the heat and humidity of a fine summer SOJ day. Todays PAX was made up of some Twin Team regulars, not so regulars, summer tourists and newbies. Kettlebells was the primitive plan but with Twin Team virgin in the group, an audible was called for. Here is how I remember things going down. Everyone pull out your weighted handleballs or light blocks and stash them in a group to be played with later. Short mosey to the base of Twin Team Hill for introductions, disclaimers and warm ups that…

3 SOJ regulars, 1 soon to be regular, and YHC met the rainy morning at Twin Team for a few hills and miles. The loop was the shortened OG RiverRun loop of James River Road, into Tarrington and down Twin Team for a total of 3 miles. Stopped 6 times along the way for a variety of exercises including Hand release merkins, SSH, flutter kicks, crab cakes, dancing bears, among others. Mumble chatter on YHC’s recent high profile jury case, the upcoming home grown half marathon at Twin Team, how old is too old for F3 (according to Pigskin, there…

Twin Team Warmerama Invisible jump rope Jazzercise Hairy Rockettes Imperial walkers Scorpion kicks Merkins On the hill 10 merkins every drive way going up 10 squats every driveway going down Mosey to the playground Triple check with pull ups, lap, WW2s Murder gorillas / the harambe Halfway down fence and back Donkey kicks waterfall on side of school BTTF numbers, names, prayers and announcement s NMM Welcome back to an 8 year Kotter. Horse & Buggy didn’t skip a beat!

4 freaking studs showed up to Twin Team for the Murph. We had hoped for 6 (you know who you are!), but we launched at 530am sharp. 1 mile out – 100 Muscle Ups – 200 Perfect form Merkins (no chicken pecking for these studs) – 300 Perfect form Squats (Straight back, drop that butt until parallel with the knees) – 1 mile back. A quick ring of fire for some ab work and time was called. YHC took us out. Great to have Senior Frog join us today and the opportunity to learn more about him and his life.…

Four Strong Redwoods ended SOJ takeover week on a high. The return of NTB from his inaugural appearance at No Toll was a pleasant surprise. According to the stadium security camera footage, the following items occurred and will be recorded in the annals of history. Short mosey to the grassy knoll by the bus loop for standard disclaimer and warmups that included Invisible Jumprope, Jazzercise, Helis, Merkins, LBC’s and Freddie Mercurys. YHC miserably at recreating the Twin Team original Texas Tornado Titty Twister. Intent was there, execution was quite poor, will try to coordinate with Rosie to determine the details…

Four hit up BWES for this week’s installment of Twin Team. Here’s what went down… Mosey to blacktop for COP: SSHs, IWs, DQs, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBCs, Flutter Kicks Head to the jungle gym for a six pack: 1 pull up, 5 merkins; 2 pull ups, 4 merkins…up to 5 pull ups, 1 merkin and then back down Mosey to the swamp for a beast: WWIIs, Ball Dippers, Merkins, Crunch Frogs, Lt. Dans, Burpees Head over to JRHS for a quick Dora with 100 dips and 200 LBCs. BTTF for 1.5 minutes of Mary (Hello Dollies and Rosalitas). Numbers, Names,…

8 Captains and no Tenielles made their way to BWE last Friday. Rumor has it some yacht rock was in the forecast. Since that always sounds better by water, down we went to the banks of the mighty James. Once there the tunes were turned on and the smooth was turned up to 11. Here’s how it went down: 5 burpees SSHs 4 burpees Jazzercise 3 burpees Copperhead squats 2 burpees Hairy Rockettes 1 burpee More COP with some ab work The Merkin Pole smokers Squats Runner goes down to the water and back  quick pic by the water, a…

3 able bodied men showed up at TT today for the Murph. No weighted vests were used but we did get in the 2 mile run / 100’ish pull ups / 200 push up / 300 squats. Lt. Michael Murphy was a beast. For those who don’t know his story, take a minute and read about his life and death – https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/Story/Article/3071790/medal-of-honor-monday-navy-lt-michael-p-murphy/#:~:text=Murphy%2C%20a%20SEAL%20from%20Patchogue%2C%20N.Y.%2C%20was%20killed%20during,earned%20the%20Medal%20of%20Honor.&text=All%20four%20SEALs%20were%20injured,to%20give%20up%20the%20fight. Maybe next time on the weighted vests.

The answer to this question is yes. It happened today at Twin Team. Read on to learn more. 5 men joined YHC and committed to finishing Gumbo’s Tour de Twin. A beautiful morning for us all and at 530am we launched from the BWE parking lot. Jog to backside of James River High School and pay tribute to Karen’s parking lot with a little warmarama and Thang 1. Warmarama: Side Straddle Hops, Dead Man Hangs, Arm Circles, Helicopters. Thang 1: Grab a tire and head to Karen’s parking lot. Flip the tire 10 times then complete 2 burpees. Repeat until…

11 intrepid dwellers of the GLOOM, including 1 FNG and 1 Downrange Double RESPECTer posted in the beautiful Gloom of BWES this morning. Even Don Draper and Boberry donned gloves for a bootcamp because YHC promised some miles. As the clock struck 0530, the tour began and off to the namesake we go… Mosey across Robious to the base of Twin Team and circle up for the disclaimer and COP, including DQs performed at the impeccable speed. We were all limbered up so time to climb – mosey up Twin Team to the top stopping at each drive way (and…

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