Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No Yacht Rock…Just a Swampy Beast


Four hit up BWES for this week’s installment of Twin Team. Here’s what went down…

Mosey to blacktop for COP: SSHs, IWs, DQs, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBCs, Flutter Kicks

Head to the jungle gym for a six pack:

1 pull up, 5 merkins; 2 pull ups, 4 merkins…up to 5 pull ups, 1 merkin and then back down

Mosey to the swamp for a beast: WWIIs, Ball Dippers, Merkins, Crunch Frogs, Lt. Dans, Burpees

Head over to JRHS for a quick Dora with 100 dips and 200 LBCs.

BTTF for 1.5 minutes of Mary (Hello Dollies and Rosalitas).

Numbers, Names, Announcements, Prayer Requests, YHC took us out.

Announcements: SOJ Takeover next week, Happy Hour tonight at Diamond Billiards (5:30ish—??)

Prayers for Draper and his stress levels. Prayers for injured PAX and those traveling.

NMS: What a beautiful morning to be out at Twin Team. How is it June 9 and only 56 degrees? TT is such a great AO…always more to explore than possible in 45 minutes. After two weeks of going down to the river, watching the sun rise, and listening to Yacht Rock, YHC decided to take the PAX to the swamp instead. Nothing like a good beast. Great to have Escobar out for his second time at TT…keep coming back!

During the Dora, a vehicle pulled up in the parking lot and started honking at the PAX. YHC immediately wondered who this Karen was. Were we running around their precious parking spot? Turns out the Karen was actually OC just stopping by to say hi before heading to the airport (and driving his Ms vehicle). The PAX appreciates the love OC.

Enjoy your Friday gents!


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