Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Not Really Sure What To Do


A double digit turn out converged onto Betty Weaver to experience the heat and humidity of a fine summer SOJ day. Todays PAX was made up of some Twin Team regulars, not so regulars, summer tourists and newbies. Kettlebells was the primitive plan but with Twin Team virgin in the group, an audible was called for. Here is how I remember things going down.

Everyone pull out your weighted handleballs or light blocks and stash them in a group to be played with later. Short mosey to the base of Twin Team Hill for introductions, disclaimers and warm ups that consisted of SSH’s, Helis, DQ’s, Dead Man Hang, Heels to Heaven, Freddie Mercuries and Dying Cockroaches.

With everyone primed and ready, lets get up the hill. 5 merkins at each driveway on the way up. 5 squats on the way down. Toto enjoyed the modern amenities such as sidewalks and pavement that may or may not have been there during his earlier years. Heartrate up so lets get back to Betty Weaver, picking up McRib along the way.

Circuit work with Kettlebells. 10 stations with variety of exercises while timer runs the loop. Exercises included swings, curls, tricep trusts, lawnmowers and block press with Handshakes lego block. Other exercises were included but you had to be there to know. 2 rounds were completed.

Mosey to the blacktop at the rear of the school. Indigenous Peoples Chair against the building. 1 person bear crawls across the blacktop and runs to the end of the line. 2nd round, Bernie across and run back. Time was called so BTTVF.

Numbers, Names, Announcements, Prayers. Toto took us out. Some decided another trip to Twin Team was needed, YHC was not one of them.

Announcements: CSAUP a plenty. Twin Team 1/2 marathon or 10k coming in August if you like running hills. See a rabbit for details (Draper/Rosie/Tobit).

Food Ruck across Salisbury and back in October. Some houses along the way could be rolled. See Orange Crush, Doublemint for details.

Oyster Paying – Thursday lunch at Rusty Taco.

Good luck to Hutton with the removal of a tree off his house.

NMS: YHC had no clue how to do a dedicated Kettlebell workout. Improvisation was the word of the day. Great turn out this morning with mumble chatter strong. Great to see Handshake and Hutton cross the river along with Toto’s 1st trip back to Twin Team since his adolescent years. Doublemint has been cleared for full contact and is coming after the Pickleball crown. Thank you fellas for showing up. Enjoy the weekend.


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