Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Swampy Sausage Party


Four Strong Redwoods ended SOJ takeover week on a high. The return of NTB from his inaugural appearance at No Toll was a pleasant surprise. According to the stadium security camera footage, the following items occurred and will be recorded in the annals of history.

Short mosey to the grassy knoll by the bus loop for standard disclaimer and warmups that included Invisible Jumprope, Jazzercise, Helis, Merkins, LBC’s and Freddie Mercurys. YHC miserably at recreating the Twin Team original Texas Tornado Titty Twister. Intent was there, execution was quite poor, will try to coordinate with Rosie to determine the details of this 12 count exercise. Onward we go

COP 1: 4 corners at the blacktop – 10 Merkins, 20 WWII’s, 30 squats, 40 Monkey Humpers.

Mosey down to the Swamp and onto the Stadium Bleachers.

COP 2: DORA: Partner Up for 100 Elevated Merkins, 200 Dips, 300 Squats. Timer runs up and around the bleachers. Daylight is key on this decent.

COP 3: Mosey down to the track for a quick lap. Stopping at each corner light pole where each PAX calls out an exercise. 20 reps of each. Burpees (for some reason), Broad Jumps, Lunges and APD’s were the selected exercises.

COP 4: Exit the stadium and back to parking lot for LOVE Field. Timer runs to the end of the parking lot and back. Partner bear crawls/duck walks, lunges and Broad Jump Burpees.

COP 5: Indigenous Pole Smokers: PAX grabs a pole and holds 6″ while end guy performs 5 pole smokers and leap frogs the others. Go to the end of the pole line.

BTTVF for 3 quick burpees, Names, Numbers, Announcements, Prayers. YHC took us out

NMS: Great way to finish SOJ takeover week. Good to see Chaplain at Twin Team after completing his World Tour with parachute in tow. Can’t wait to see this brought out at his next Q. Been a while since YHC has seen Greenbow. Always good mumble chatter before he heads out to India and now he is on the Q sheet for the Forge next week. Hope to see NTB after his initiation week. Great work by all.

Dodgeball is planned for No Toll next week followed by Gumbo’s Home Run Derby on June 27th. Dingers, Dingers Everywhere.

Happy Fathers Day weekend to all the boys at F3. Great brotherhood and really enjoy being a part of this group.


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