Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Timberwolf

YHC’s arrival was met with the empty chill of a Timberwolf gloom devoid of life. (YHC’s first Timberwolf experience yielded two other summer tourists who had equal inexperience with the Twolf…so YHC’s expectations had been set low.)  But before loneliness had the chance to settle in, a veritable stream of headlights broke through the gloom, and a dozen hearty SOJ men brought out the 70-degree sunshine to warm the cockles of YHC’s heart. There were in fact so many more men than YHC expected, that the original plan of Cabers AND Bricks was spontaneously adjusted to a Caber-only workout. (YHC will…

6 SOJ stallions and one lost Near West Ender met up near the Virginia-North Carolina border for a cold, wet, sunny and 70 degree Thursday gloom. With YHC making his first return to Timberwolf since the fall, YHC came in hot to find Doozy and a suspected clown car eager to start. A few more SOJers trickled in and it was time for launch. COP Mosey for a west campus tour eventually landing the track, circle up. F3 Welcome, Mantra and Disclaimer. SSHs, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers, Helicopters, Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Pre-6am Alabama Prom Dates, LBCs and Arm circles…

Two humble warriors arrived in a small clown car to find no other PAX have arrived. Hermie made the call to go get coffee (jokingly) and we contemplated our need to work out in the falling rain. At 5:30 sharp we left the comforts of the car and Mosied on over to light pole alley. We alternated exercises for the COP SSH’sx20, DQ’sx10, Jazzercisex10, Hellicopterx10, arm circlesx15 plus reverso, Imperial walkersx10, Russian soldiersx10, Chuck merkins x15, Mosey to the track for the Thang: 4 corners on the track first 3 rounds consisted of Merkinsx15, copper head squats x15, 10 front…

6 SOJ regulars braved the colder than normal 70 degree weather for a Timberwolf beatdown that went something like this: THANG Plank while Bullseye gets his gear together. 10 min group run through the neighborhood adjacent to the middle school. Return to school for COP near entrance: SSH, DQs, Rosalitas, Hello Dollies, Cruncy Frogs Partner up for Proper Dora: 1 WWII, 2 Merkins, 3 Squats – repeato x100 as a 2some; other partner either run to 2nd lamp pole or bear crawl up and crawl bear down embankment. Nobody bear crawled. Mosey to parking lot for modified bear-imeter: Partner up:…

Six strong gloom warriors braved the sunny and 72 degree temperatures at Timberwolf. YHC pulled in at 5:26 and before I knew it the time was 5:29 and time to jump out of the warm confines of my car and go. I was armed with a few new (to me) exercises. COP Run to the bus loop(where there was plenty of light. Exercises: 10 DQ’s, 20 Imperial walkers, 20 Russian Soldiers, 10 Jazzercise, 21’s (group counts out loud to 5 then silently to 21, PAX stops at 21 in unison or does 5 burpees then restarts). We did 2 sets…

6 able bodied men showed up on a pleasant Timberwolf morning and this is how it went. COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Jasersize, Cherry Pickers. Mumble chatter was in rare high form as Wilson took the verbal lead during the Q’s cadence and causing the PAX to loose the actual count. Time to mosey to the bus parking loop circle up for 20 Nancy Karegans (stand on right leg while doing an SSH) followed by 20 Karate Kids (stand on left leg doing an SSH). Again mumble chatter is high and Wilson did 40 on the same leg, POG followed Wilsons lead…

7 Timberwolves hit the ground running at 530 this morning for a little ground and pound cinder block work! COP SSHs x 15 DQ x 10 Helicopters x 10 Jazzercise x 10 Russian Soldiers x 10 Mosey to Light Pole Alley Break out the Cinder Blocks for Triple Checks Round 1 – Runner, Curls with Block, Squats Round 2 – Runner, Laying down Press with Block, Hello Dolly Round 3 – Runner, WWIIs with Block, Lunges Round 4 – Runner, Hallelujah with Block, LBCs Mosey to Wall- Wall Sits, each PAX Wall Sits for 30 seconds, rest for 10, rotating…

YHC was thankful to make it to another birthday so today’s theme was get to know YHC. One professional driver came in hot at 5:30 on the nose and then we were off, 11 strong. COP 37 (27? 47?) SSH (was going for 37 but top notch mumblechatter made keeping track difficult for YHC)10 Jazzercise (favorite F3 exercise hands down)10 Collard Pickers (YHC is from the Collard Capital of the World, Ayden, NC)10 Hillbillies (self explanatory)10 Russian Soldiers10 Alabama Prom Dates10 Hello Dollies10 Rosalitas The Thang 2 Pack of Boberry Biscuits – 2 laps around the track, mosey on curves,…

YHC was ready for a Hot Potato on this glorious morning. YHC soon learned that he would be the only person holding the potato. No problem, Let’s Roll. Mosey to the football field for COP… Never-mind, heard a noise.. WE going to the bus loop. COP: 20 SSH10 Copper Head Squats20 Arm Circles20 Helicopters10 Merkins The Thang: Mosey to the front of the school. Find Door #1 – Do 1 SSH. Run to Door #2. Do 2 Merkins. run to Door #3 – Do 3 SSH. Keep going to door 22. If the Door is Solid (no windows) do Burpees.…

6 semi frozen PAX showed up to attack the day at Timberwolf (“should I be able to feel my toes?”). YHC wanted to continue the week of themed work outs. Today is the same day that “The Man With The Golden Gun” came out in 1974 so James Bond theme it is! COP 10 SSH10 Don Quixote10 “From Russia With Love” (Russian Soldiers)12 Cherry Pickers1 James Bond (10 count each direction of the finger gun)10 LBCs The Thang “You Live Twice” (Mankillers starting at 10) “Octopussy’ Four Corners 8 Merkins18 2-Count American Hammers28 Plank Jacks38 LBCsThis went by quickly… Doozy…

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