6 semi frozen PAX showed up to attack the day at Timberwolf (“should I be able to feel my toes?”). YHC wanted to continue the week of themed work outs. Today is the same day that “The Man With The Golden Gun” came out in 1974 so James Bond theme it is!
- 10 SSH
- 10 Don Quixote
- 10 “From Russia With Love” (Russian Soldiers)
- 12 Cherry Pickers
- 1 James Bond (10 count each direction of the finger gun)
- 10 LBCs
The Thang
“You Live Twice” (Mankillers starting at 10)
“Octopussy’ Four Corners
- 8 Merkins
- 18 2-Count American Hammers
- 28 Plank Jacks
- 38 LBCs
- This went by quickly… Doozy asked if this was a “prostitute” four corners, YHC hadn’t heard of that. It was explained. Some mumblechatter (“they suck”). YHC said ok let’s do it and we did for the repeato round.
“Thunderball”s to the wall
- Balls to the wall – One Minute
- People’s Chair -One Minute
“Dr. No” Bearcrawl
- 30 Dips (bearcrawl to next station)
- 20 Rosalitas (bearcrawl again)
- 10 NO Cheat Merkins
Had some time over so we did 2 Boberry Biscuits around track with 5 burpees after each lap, then “Abs Ring of Fire” where each of 6 picked an exercise that was done by the PAX.
Numberama, Name-orama
-Winter Tour signup is available for those interested, see Oyster’s Pre-Blast
COT – YHC took us out,
A lot to be thankful for in the cold gloom this morning. Great work by all of the PAX today. Enjoyed the pass around of the Q at the end! YHC may have had the Q but was influenced by others in the exercise choices today. The push to do better everyday comes not only from within, but from the push of those YHC has chosen to be around these extra frosty mornings. It was a privilege to lead!
1 Comment
Great Q BoBerry! Way to lead!