Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The Old Hundred

10 HIM’s joined YHC for a little kettle bell action at the Old Hundred today. In summary, we got after it. The details were as follows – Warmarama – SSH’s, Helicopters, Merkins, Jazzercise, WWII’s Thang 1: Triple check halo series. Partner 1: Halo with a squat (alternating directions on the halo). Partner 2: Halo with a lunge twist. Partner 3 run the drop off, down and back. Thang 2: Partner up. Exercise 1, 3 rounds: Partner 1, some exercise. Partner 2, overhead carry down and back. Exercise 2, 6 rounds of leg on the parking block squats, Partner 2 runs…

Down in the cell dead zone that is The Old Hundred, nine PAX gathered to better themselves. According to the school employee who gets to work early to drop off their trash, this is what may have occurred. Lap around the school Wamrerama Descending count starting with 10 eac of the following: American swingers Halos each way Allen iversons Press and clean each side Around the world each way Tea pots each side Nolan Ryan’s each side Man maker merkins We made it to 4 reps each before a little broga cool down. Numbers, names, announcements, prayers for oyster, his…

I almost pulled a did not wake up bit, luckily inside of me said time to get up, we need to hit the bathroom now. Once I was up, then headed over to Old Hundred for today’s workout. A group of 5 came out to tackle something new. It should be warned that Mudslide and new are dangerous words. A good warmup: SSH, Helicopters, Ukrainian Soldiers, Don Quixotes, Copperhead squats, Merkins, LBCs and Alabama Prom Dates. The new part: today’s training involved kettlebells and a deck of cards. Each card associated to the type of exercise and number of reps.…

8 soon to be swoll Monster’s made their way to Old Hundred Elementary for a little kettlebell action. YHC grabbed the Q Sunday afternoon using it as motivation to get my butt out there. YHC is glad I did. Warm-a-rama: SSH, Helicopters, Copperhead squats, Dead man hang (feet together/feet apart), Merkins and rapidly paced WWII’s. Thang 1: Complete 15 – 25 of the called exercise. Jog half way down the parking lot and complete 1 burpee for round 1, 2 for round 2 up to 5. Then we went back down from 5. Kettlebell exercises included Squats, Rows, Bench Press,…

Today is a big day for YHC. The big 4 0. Staring down a decade of silence. In retrospect, how YHC grew up, many that are close, YHC included, don’t expect to make it this long. So to that, I look back, look at today, and understand that today is a blessing. Today I am surrounded by a bunch of HIMs, many of whom have walked a line not too dissimilar at some point in time. Yet, together we stare the Gloom right in it’s face, and prove that we are stronger today than we were then. That is what…

A Lucky 7. Look at us, skipping the fartsack, bringing our own kettlebells. We got this!! Here we go… WARMARAMA:SSH, Helicopters, Hillbillies, Arm Circles, DQ, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, LBC, Alabama Prom Dates, Lap around the school. The Thang: The Lucky Horseshoe1. 20x SwingsRun a Lap2. 20x Swings, 20x CurlsRun a Lap3. 20x Swings, 20x Curls, 20x PressesRun a Lap4. 20x Swings, 20x Curls, 20x Presses, 20x Goblet SquatsRun a Lap5. 20x Swings, 20x Curls, 20x Presses, 20x Goblet Squats, 20x LawnmowersRun a Lap6. 20x Curls, 20x Presses, 20x Goblet Squats, 20x Lawnmowers Run a Lap7. 20x Presses, 20x Goblet Squats,…

It will start to get lighter sooner(after Sunday) we go out there and the sun will be out. I am looking forward to it yet I am sure those who get the fartsacks will go wait, what time is it(WTF). Lets see if I can get this done quickly while it’s fresh in my mind. A lap around the school to start with…then back to the flag for the warm up. The warm up consisted of: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, Arm Circles(each direction), Merkins, LBCs and Alabama Prom Dates(last one to help loosen the hips) With a kettlebell in…

An even 8 of SOJ’s finest came out to dust off the kettlebells this AM (Some were kettle bells and some were nerf bells?). According to the Maintenance crews here is what went down. COP: 20 each SSH’s, Merkins, LBC’s; 10 each: Imperial walkers, Ukrainian soldiers, Helicopters, Flutters, Scissors, DQ’s, Lap around school. 30 second hold 30 second rest. Overhead, Front lat, Curl 3 way, Goblet squat, Upper row, Etc. All told spent 20 minutes….at which time I became tired of my phone turning off and put it on my windshield. I asked PAX to remind me before leaving. Quadruple…

fabulously 70 and sunny this morning. According to the people getting the best parking spots. This is how it went down. Indegeninous ppl run w 5 merkins Warm up / stretch with Jazzercise for Nancy’s return to the gloom following surgery. The countdown: Squirrels (squat/curl) Push press (each side) Lawn mower pulls (each side) Reverse lunge w hold (each side) Nolan Ryan X5 count down all the way to one Triple check Flutters w coupon Ww2 w coupon Dora 50 man maker merkins 100 American swingers 150 goblet squats Mini broga cool down Numbers, names, announcements, Hermie took us out…

Five me awoke and headed to The Old Hundred to see what HP had in store for us. Mystery solved, rotating Q with Oyster on warmerama, Bullseye on a circuit, Rosetta with shot put, walking curls, and a triple check, Mudslide with another triple check. Names, announcements, Oyster took us out.

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