Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Don’t let me forget my phone


An even 8 of SOJ’s finest came out to dust off the kettlebells this AM (Some were kettle bells and some were nerf bells?). According to the Maintenance crews here is what went down.

COP: 20 each SSH’s, Merkins, LBC’s; 10 each: Imperial walkers, Ukrainian soldiers, Helicopters, Flutters, Scissors, DQ’s, Lap around school.

30 second hold 30 second rest. Overhead, Front lat, Curl 3 way, Goblet squat, Upper row, Etc. All told spent 20 minutes….at which time I became tired of my phone turning off and put it on my windshield. I asked PAX to remind me before leaving.

Quadruple check with Runner to back of lot. WWII’s with kettle, Overhead press, Bench press with kettle. Completed 3 rounds. 3 minutes of Mary to close ring of fire style.

Prayers for Bulllseyes Dad and Vagabonds friend. Health for both.

YHC took us out in prayer.

And yes arrived home to realize “Shoot where is my phone! “. Luckily it was safely in crevice between hood and windshield.


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