Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The FORGE

Huguenot High School

10 men, 1 canine posted for a VCQ (Virgin Covid Q), ahead of the soaking rains that were sure to come today and may have kept some in the fart sack. This is how it went down:Circle up for Copper Heads Squats, DQ’s, Helicopters, Hillbillies, Russian’s, LBC’s, Freddie Mercury’s, HR Merkins. Stay in circle to complete a deconstructed Burpee-10 squats, 10 Leg Thrusts, 10 Merkins, 10 more Leg Thrusts, back up and repeat counting down by 2, so 10,8,6,4,2. Mosey in front of Middle School with sidewalk splitting two traffic circles for a 1/4 pounder. Complete 25 Merkins, 50 Squats,…

The Forge welcomed 11 snooze-averse matriculants back to gloom school for the latest round of DTH macho mania. Here’s how the bluetooth speaker chimed in: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey down to the culdesacWelcome & F3 DisclaimerTurn on the “Workout Mix”… x70 SSH ICChange sucky tunesDQ’s, CSquats, RSoldiers, FreddieMs, Merkins, and other stuff COP #2: Mosey to side of school, changing music station again en route…ughTriple Check: Jerkins, Dips, Run COP #3: Mosey around to Soccer FieldOLD 100 – with interval run up to Box Jump Amphitheater stepsx100 MHumpers, x90 Plank Jacks, x80 Single Lunges, x70 SSH’s, x60 Dolly’s, x50 MtnClimbers,…

10 members of the Huguenot High School JV boy’s fitness team arrived on a campus for another 5:30 am practice. 70 degree temperatures ensured that everyone would be putting forth MAXIMUM EFFORT. With each drop of sweat hitting the pavement, our popularity and social status was sure to grow. Warmarama:Mosey to the lower circle for an abbreviated warm up consisting of:Don Quixote’sHelicoptersCherry Pickers Alabama Prom Dates Jog back to the bottom of the hill. Incline Curb Crawl: Pax lined up on the curb in plank position and begin working their way up hill. Man in the back breaks off and…

I figured since it was my last F3 workout I would do my best to leave a lasting impression with all those in attendance at the Forge. The workout was tough, but it was a good reminder that even when your body feels like it may fail it is truly all in your head. THE THANG: Stretch it out, get a good warmup in, and mentally prepare yourselfBurpee broad jumps — 75 yards, run back to start, run to where you left off, another 75 yards, 5 roundsSuicides — 75-yard incrementsPartner bear crawls/abs  — one partner bear crawls while the…

10 buff beauties arose from a warm slumber to converge on Huguenot High School in anticipation for a beat down for the ages. After recovering from the pain of IPC over the past month, YHC provided what would be a glorious routine. Here is what went down as told by the 40’s styles scooter (without a muffler) that cruised around the AO at a blazing 5 mph. COP 1: Mosey to the bus loop for warmorama that included SSH’s, DQ’s, Helicopters, Freddie Mecuries COP 2: Mosey to the soccer field for a bit of 4 corners, lady of the night…

The clock struck gloom as 9 time travelers gathered to enter the 3-dimensional F-wormhole. Slaughter start with a bear crawl up and 3 burpees at the top of each rollercoaster. Warmup with side straddle hops, Don Quixotes, Imperial Walkers, cherry pickers, plank stretches, mirkins, LBCs and some other space junk. The longest mosey ever down to the outer limits of the Huguenot High galaxy, planet cul-de-sac, where YHC’s machinations were finally revealed, a large clock known in medieval times as a breaking wheel. At midnight, an elbow plank hold until failure with a single purpose, keep time for everyone else.…

The dog making it an even dozen beating hearts in the Forge gloom embraced the following deal of fate: The THANG: COP #1: Welcome & F3 DisclaimerVariable DTH-style warmerama in front of the school COP #2: Mosey down to the middle school awning, surprisingly lit up for onceDTH whips out the F3 DECKRandomly chosen PAX chose three cards for a Triple Check:Stationary men complete High Slow Flutters & LBC’s, while runner High Knees it out to the roses and back. COP #3: Mosey to the front of the middle schoolChoose three new cards (Am Ham’s, Freddie M’s, Rosalita)Complete x50 of each…

A noble sextet of veteran gloom warriors assembled at the Forge for a workout that DTH would ensure in no way resembled this week’s IronPax Challenge. The THANG: Mosey down to the Culdesac – En route, alternate between x5 Mericans and x5 Heels to Heaven at each light pole. COP #1: Welcome & F3 DisclaimerSSH, DQ, SquatWalkers, RSoldiers, ClockLunges, NoCheats, Kimchis, Flutters, APD’s, Oblique LBC’sGrand finale on the wall for Donkey Kickoffs Mosey back up to the top alternating x5 CDD’s and x5 WWII (feet uphill) at each lightpole. COP #2: Knollercoaster: Bear crawl up, Broad Jump tops, Crab walk…

6 Toned and Tanned Studs ascended onto the Forge to attack a beat down for the ages. DTH and Fresh Prince arrived simultaneously, leaving the rest of the PAX wondering if we were early or late starting. According the roaming coyote pack looking to take out the slowest of the herd, this is what occurred. COP 1: DQ’s, Heli’s, Cherry Pickers, SSH’s – warm yet, let’s mosey COP 2: Looking to put in some miles, YHC set up a Light Pole Ladder, Lady of the Night style. Each light pole consisted of an exercise for PAX to complete than return…

Red sky at morning, sailor take warning. 9 men brought their smoldering intensity to gloom of The Forge, starting with some quiet warmups – side straddle hops, don quixotes, imperial walkers, cherry pickers, reverse scorpion kicks and elbow planks. A long bear crawl from the flag to the stairs, down the stairs, and to the rail. Swinging and weaving under the entire length of the rail all the way down to the road. 11s at each light (mirkins and flutter kicks) to the cul de sac. BoneThug’s Dirty 30 (30 v-ups, 30 lbcs, 30 core planks, 30 Alabama prom dates).…

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