Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Slow Bern


Red sky at morning, sailor take warning. 9 men brought their smoldering intensity to gloom of The Forge, starting with some quiet warmups – side straddle hops, don quixotes, imperial walkers, cherry pickers, reverse scorpion kicks and elbow planks.

A long bear crawl from the flag to the stairs, down the stairs, and to the rail. Swinging and weaving under the entire length of the rail all the way down to the road. 11s at each light (mirkins and flutter kicks) to the cul de sac.

BoneThug’s Dirty 30 (30 v-ups, 30 lbcs, 30 core planks, 30 Alabama prom dates). Easy breezy mosey to the bottom of the main hill and a Bernie Sanders up and back to the flag.

Mirkin ring of fire with an elbow plank hold, mosey down to the stop sign and sprint back to the flag.

A moment of gratitude to come out and work together, get stronger together and pray. Prayers for Doozy and Greenbow on their journey, prayers And blessings for Roger Roger and his wife as she starts a new job, prayers for all those affected by Hurricane Laura.

Go in peace.


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  1. Killin me Snuff, Bear Crawl along the Ho Chi Minh Trail and then pole dancing under the railing was brutal. Great Q and thanks for the prayers for safety and an open mind for Gods plan for Greenbow and myself this weekend.

  2. Man, that handrail limbo was a burner – thanks for pushing us today Snuff, and good luck EHing those guys in your men’s group.

  3. Great Q brotha Snuff! You’ve got an intriguing zen-in-pain Q-style …such simple and soft-spoken instructions yielding such painful slow burns. Very cool bro. KEEP Q’ing!