Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The FORGE

Huguenot High School

The notoriously flamboyant Book Club de Forge assembled around steaming pumpkin spice lattes to chitchat about all sorts of juicy topics. Somewhere between marathon testimonials and swaddling techniques, the PAX knocked out a ridiculous series of exercises. Moving in serpentine fashion from the top parking lot to the bottom, there were about 56 brief COP’s with variable movement/mosey between, with a few highlights such as: Ye old “inchworm leap” about 40 yards, which looked like half an Opus (Handwalk to Merkin) then a Groiner then hop up with a Broad Jump clap. There is no actual name for this gem,…

A trio of trios rose from the fart sack to seize the day and ascend onto Huguenot High School to engage in a beatdown of mythical proportions. Here is what was rumored to have occured: Mosey down the hill to turn around for warmarama. Exercises included invisible jump rope, helicopters, dead man hang, leg pulls and LBC’s. THE THANG: Triple Check with scissor sisters doing ab work while timer ran to stop sign to perform 3 burpees and return. Rinse and repeat. 11’s back up the hill with WWII’s and Merkins On the rail for Leapfrog jerkins. PAX hangs from…

6 men, all hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings, arrived on a cold morning in November to learn the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer called ‘The Forge,’ specially built for this purpose. The answer? 42. 42 side straddle hops, then Don Quixotes on your own as YHC recounted one of his favorite stories from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. A modified birthday beast was concocted: 6 times 7 reps up and down Mt Chaplain. 6 times 7 mirkins, jump squats, WW2s, lunges (with an intermission of 42 jerkins on the lower rail), box cutters, and burpees.…

7 Strong converged at Huguenot High to hammer each other into shape and enjoy some Forge style fellowship. YHC had the honor of leading this fine group of Southside stalwarts. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure: Massacre Start – Murder Gorillas along the length of the upper hill. Warm ups: Walking Russian Soldiers, Walking Helicopters, Walking Arm Circles, Hopping Hillbillies, Lunge walks. Mosey to the bottom of the big hill for Exercise One:Incline curb crawl to the upper parking lot. Down the hill – WWII Crawl Bears. To the Top of Mt. Chaplain for Exercise Two: On…

The Forge was blessed with 2 HIM’s on IR fighting off the Fartsack to be with their brothers. Doublemint’s hernia surgery went well and he spent the time walking the perimeter listening to a podcast on how to remove hickies, while YHC created a routine for the day that would keep Fresh Prince from any sprints, jumps, or lunges… ie, a massive amount of arms and core. Here’s why the PAX wont be reaching anything overhead today: The THANG: COP #1: Rapid Fire Slaughter Start with a KNOLL LADDER before Fresh Prince’s predicable 0538 arrival:  Up and down the knoll, each…

Eight SOJ stalwarts rolled up to the Forge locked and loaded, and here’s how it went down: Warmarama: Mosey to the front traffic loop for SSH x 20, DQ x 10, Russian Soldiers x 15, Freddy Mercuries x 20, APDs x 15, Hello Dollies x 20, Carolina Dry Docks x 10. The THANG: Mosey to amphitheater for 11s (1x Imperial Squat Walker, bear crawl across the grass to the steps, 10 x dips, lunge back, repeato)Mosey to the loading dock for a Triple Check (Pax 1: run to first light pole and back, PAX 2: donkey kicks, PAX 3: heels…

An SOJ squadron emerged from the mirky gloom to plant the flag of victory on a new day’s inception. Here’s why we’re all walking a little funny today… The THANG: COP #1: Warmerama down to the Culdesac, stopping at each light to alternate x10 Ball Dippers with x10 MerkinsCircle up for variable DTH reps IC COP #2: Bernie back up to the Handicap Rails, stopping for three high quality squats at each lightOver/Unders on the Hadicap Rail x20 COP #2: TEAM DORA at the Shoulder GymTeams of 3 or 4 rotate exercisesTwo guys on the rails cranking out reps with…

Six Chiseled SOJ Stallions ascended on the Forge to see what YHC had in store this sunny and 70 degree morning. This is what was rumored to have occured. Bear Crawl Buy In on the hills. Bear Crawl Up, Lunge across, Crawl Bear down, Broad Jump across. Continue on 3 hills. Mosey around bus loop for Warmarama. DQ’s, Dead Man Hang, Arm Circles, LBC’s, Dr. W’s. Time for Triple Check against the wall. Balls to the Wall, Peoples Chair, Timer around the circle. Mosey to the Amphitheater. Along the way stop at the hill for Clockwork Merkins, a fan favorite.…

Six warriors, pure and true, embraced the rain for something new. With every breath precious, and precious time finite, these warriors of the gloom dug deep and won the fight: The THANG: WARMERAMA: Parking Lot LoopCircle up for Variable IC RepsParking Lot Loop with movement exercisesComplete one set of BLIMPS: x5 Burpees, x10 Lunges (ea leg), x15 Imperial Walkers (2-ct), x20 Merkins, x25 Pole-Smokers, x30 SquatsNote: YHC chose to replace the usual x25 Plank Jacks with x25 Pole-Smokers, which in the absence of poles was simply leg lifts (hands under tail) BLIMPS FIELD TRIP: Run a loop through YHC’s “Oxford” neighborhood,…

The first Q for YHC in over a year and five studs showed up to join in. The beat down went as follows:Run to bottom of hill to circle for warm up. DQ’s, Helicopters, Smurf Jacks, Russian Soldiers, OYO 20 2 count Mountain Climbers, 15 Carolina dry docks, 10 Burpees.Mosey over to first light pole. Goal is to use every light pole all the way up the Hill to Forest Hill Rd. A leap frog is in order. Partner 1 performs 5 Merkins, while partner 2 runs to next light pole and gets in plank position. Partner one completes Merkins,…

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