Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The FORGE

Huguenot High School

7 strong assembled at Huguenot High School for another round of fitness and revelry that we call The FORGE. YHC had the privilege of stoking the fire on this drizzly day. Here is a brief summary for you viewing pleasure: Warm Up: Indigenous peoples run. Man in the back does arm circles, helicopters, and jazzercise (5 count), then runs to the front of the line. We worked our way down Forest Hill Avenue, then to the back of the elementary school. 25 count LBC’s and Heels to Heaven.Exercise One: Indigenous People’s Bear Crawl: Man in the back does 3 burpees…

Seven soldiers of the Gloom joined up in beautiful balmy conditions to march into glory. Only a few frostbitten fingers were sacrificed to the noble cause, and there were plenty of painful moments somewhere between up and down.  Oh, the grand old Duke of YorkHe had ten thousand men;He marched them up to the top of the hill,And he marched them down again.When they were up, they were up,And when they were down, they were down,And when they were only halfway up,They were neither up nor down. The THANG: WARMERAMA: Moseycise down the lotsBearpee a ways and circle upFull body…

A prime 7 showed up to the Forge this morning to enjoy the dry 40’s before a supposed inclement weather event. Warmup: mosey around the loop with side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers and then circle up near the Forest Hill entrance for: 15x SSH, 10x Cherry Pickers, 10x DQ, 10x manmakers, 10x LBC, 10x rosalita. We started off with a 5 oak suicide run along Forest Hill using the five large oak trees and performing a cumulative: 10x superman, 20x LBC, 30x calf raises, 40x MHs, 50x SSH. Cross the center driveway and line up for a bridges and…

A half dozen American redwoods denied victory to the warmth of the fartsack, choosing instead to bask in the always sunny and 70 radiant glow of The Forge. With an enthusiastic PAX trying to impress our FNG and Fresh Prince rounding out a perfect sextet, the HIM’s went to work: The THANG: COP #1: Slow serpentine mosey down the parking lots with variable movements exercisesCircle up for Welcome & DisclaimerWarmerama with usual IC reps COP #2: Mosey around to the RampPartner up to wheelbarrow to the top, switching as neededELEVENS with Jerkins 10–>1 and Groiners 1–>10, crossing the lot between…

Four at the Forge for a forty-five minute terra forma fornication. Warming up with 20 Don Quixotes, 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 Apple Bottom Poppers (ask Chap), Mirkins, LBCs and a few other things. Mosey to the amphitheater. Centipede curb crawl across the bottom step, then up 2 steps and back across and on and on until we curb crawled all the way to the top. Inverse bro code Dora: run the steps loop down and around with 100 WW2s, 200 Donkey Kicks, 300 Flutter Kicks. With such good mumble chatter we ran it back with another Dora: box jump up…

Five handsome HIM’s, including brother John “Flint” (downrange from NYC), joined YHC to celebrate Five years of being “Papa”. The following beatdown was delivered in many iterations of FIVE, to honor Penniella Mae “Oreo” on her 5th birthday: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey down to the CulDeSacUsual Tryhard Warmerama, mostly IC, covering all muscle groups, and all PAX nicely warmed/stretched COP #2: LIGHT POLE ALLEY – Completing x5 Broad Jumps at each light pole back up to the ramp, with Bernie Sanders in between COP #3: Ascend the ramp, alternating x5 Bear Crawls (2-ct) with x5 LungesAt the top, partner…

4 dutiful husbands sought a brief respite from the capitalistic shopping orgy to find quiet, peace and meaning in the cold, cold gloom. Mosey to the lower cul de sac for warmups – SSHs, Don Quixotes, helicopters, imperial squat walkers, etc. Lightpole 11s to the lower lot: mirkins and jump squats. Lower lot 4-corners: 10 burpees, 20 WW2s, 30 mirkins, 40 2-ct mountain climbers. Up against the wall for the Pigskin special: 3 rounds of alternating donkey kicks, people’s chair and balls to the wall. Mosey to the amphitheater for a Dora: box jumps up and run around, with 100…

A solid number of Forge regulars escaped their smelly sacks, eagerly anticipating a promised Feat of Strength challenge. Here’s why the Forge will always boast the biggest wood… The THANG: COP #1: Mosey to circle up at school frontVariable Wamerama reps called IC with intermittent moseycise laps around the loop COP #2: Mosey back to the KnollsLINDSEY:Merkins at the Bottom – 30/25/20/15/10Am.Ham’s (2-ct) at the Top – 10/15/20/25/30 COP #3: FIELD TRIP to DTH’s HouseCollect x4 Cabers (2-3 PAX on each caber measuring 12-14’)Shoulder Carry back to Forge with overhead press called IC COP #4: Cabers to the bottom of…

The Mystery Box welcomed the dirtiest of dozens back to the Forge. The music spawned memories of middle school glory days and co-ed fitness classes. YHC was merely there to assist. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure: Mosey towards the elementary school – 5 WWII sit-ups at each lightpole.Brief Warm-up: Russian Soldiers, Arm Circles, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Hip Flexor Stretches. Mosey to the lower parking lot for the Mystery Box: One man draws an exercise out of the box, then totes the medicine ball up to Forest Hill Avenue and back. The rest of the PAX does…

YHC rose early this morning to go south of the River to Forge and it was a beautiful cool 45 degree start for this boot camp workout and here is what went down for 7 F3 brothers: COP We mosey down to the Cul de Sac at the end of the West Service road and formed a circle. 20 SSH, 10 good mornings (4 count), 10 DQ’s, 20 Helicopters, 15 arm circles (10 small 5 big) Reverso, 20 4ct American Hammers, 10 4 ct LBC’s, 10 scorpions and 20 merkins. THANG We divide into groups of 3 and 4 for…

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