Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Thursday Morning Lights


A trio of trios rose from the fart sack to seize the day and ascend onto Huguenot High School to engage in a beatdown of mythical proportions. Here is what was rumored to have occured:

Mosey down the hill to turn around for warmarama. Exercises included invisible jump rope, helicopters, dead man hang, leg pulls and LBC’s.

THE THANG: Triple Check with scissor sisters doing ab work while timer ran to stop sign to perform 3 burpees and return. Rinse and repeat.

11’s back up the hill with WWII’s and Merkins

On the rail for Leapfrog jerkins. PAX hangs from rail while last member performs 5 jerkins and runs to the front. Rinse and repeat to the top.

Coupon Circle. Exercises included curls, chest press, squat thrusts and swings with coupons; dips and LBC’s without. Timer runs the bus loop. Completed 1+ round.

Mosey back to the flag for final ab work including APD, Freddies and Canoe hold.

Numbers, Names, Announcements. YHC took us out.

NMS. Beautiful sunrise this morning over the Forge this morning. Lights at the stadium were unexpectedly glowing this morning. YHC looked for access to the field but could not find an open gate. DTH expressed interest in the 20′ drop off the retaining wall. You vs. You. Good mumble chatter throughout included disappointing films and nostalgic 80’s cover bands. Good to see Bone Thugs back out.

Thank you to all the Veterans out there including Bone Thugs and Doozy.


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