Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Off The Books

Urban Farmhouse Midlothian

After a few week hiatus, YHC put the call out last night for a Pre Posey Broga session. A trio of agile brogiis arrived early to the steamy courts of No Toll to test their flexibility. It has been a few weeks so back to the basics with a few new poses, Proud Peacock seemed to be a Chaplain favorite and one that will be brought back in teh future. Savasana is always popular with YHC. Good to see Doublemint join us early morning as a break from his BRR training. A bit more humid than prior weeks made for…

4 Pax declined the lure of the dinner time Couch Sack and cast off for an evening paddle. Two came from home; two from the prior workout. Conditions: flat water, good river camaraderie, 70/sunny. According to the teenagers jumping into the swimming hole, here’s most likely what happened: Route: East/southeast on the James (downstream). UPC estimates 8500 lateral feet. Return by similar route against the modest current. Workout time ~1.5 hours. ~3 miles. NMS: solid chatter, great conditions, super sunset, and the PAX choice of ice cold malted adult beverages. This was living correctly. Thank you, gentlemen, for talking YHC…

3 SOJ Yogis rose early to the damp courts of No Toll for some preDoozyQ Broga. Legs, Arms and Chest were all utilized along with the always popular Savasana at the end. Great work this morning.

2 Hardy Broga veterans arrived at the courts of No Toll early for a pregame Broga session. Before the real competition began, PAX went through a series of leg and body stretches that resulted in numerous groans. All was good as no injuries were reported once we stepped back down to the beginner level. Great work this morning.

YHC visited Manhattan last month to celebrate his 21 Wedding anniversary with his M who used to live in the upper East Side. Wanting to get an easy 4 mile run in before returning to Richmond and before it was getting hot (was a cool non humid 70 degrees at 6:15am) found that I was running a sub 8 minute average pace for the entire run. If anyone has been to Central Park, there are some hills and it is a BIG park as my route was about 1/2 of the park north and south(about 2 miles (30 street blocks(59th…

A pair of early risers conquered the courts of Robious Park this morning for some Pre-No Toll stretching. Prior to this morning, YHC felt we had graduated to the intermediate level of yoga which consisted of various unorthodox stretches at a unfamiliar quicker pace, we are moving back down to the minor leagues. See you all next week.

3 men got in 6ish miles before their respective Easter festivities. If no Backblast is written, did it actually happen? TCLAPS to Doublemint for all the training he is putting in for BRR, tennis, etc.!

For the second consecutive Broga session, a quintet of flexible studs arrived at the mean courts of Robious Park to work out some body kinks. YHC planned to concentrate on the lower half today, because you never skip leg day. Warrior pose, Child pose, Downward Dog were all regularly called to the background of moans and groans. All felt better at the finish compared to when we started. Pleasure working out with you fine men this morning. Look forward to seeing you next week.

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