Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Playground

Given the option of a traditional beatdown vs. some stupid fun, the answer was obvious. Six men did the following. Mosey around the PCES parking lot and out to the soccer field. COP Don Quixotes Imperial Walkers Jazzercises Arm Circles Overhead Claps Michael Phelps Copperhead Squats Heels to Heaven Suzanne Somers L/R Hand Release Merkins Plankorama SSHs Mosey to the basketball court US map Stupid Fun # 1 Bottle Flip Hold plank and take turns attempting to land a bottle flip – 10 Merkins per miss for entire PAX, dish out 10 Burpees for a hit x 2 rounds Mosey…

A hearty gaggle of HIM’s & 2.0’s gathered after Rock&Roll’s COT to kick off the first “School of Rock” bootcamp for 2.0’s. With M’s in tow capturing pics and vids of the shenanigans, here’s how the Pediatrician on Q gave the rabble a fun little beatdown: The THANG: WARMERAMA: Mosey out of vehicular harms way and circle upWelcome & DisclaimerVariable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom COP #1: Mosey to the basketball court and line up for a fan favorite- ANIMAL MOVES?Court crossed in variable fashion: bear crawls, bunny hops, crab walking, froggy leaps, horse trotting,…

4 Pax declined the lure of the dinner time Couch Sack and cast off for an evening paddle. Two came from home; two from the prior workout. Conditions: flat water, good river camaraderie, 70/sunny. According to the teenagers jumping into the swimming hole, here’s most likely what happened: Route: East/southeast on the James (downstream). UPC estimates 8500 lateral feet. Return by similar route against the modest current. Workout time ~1.5 hours. ~3 miles. NMS: solid chatter, great conditions, super sunset, and the PAX choice of ice cold malted adult beverages. This was living correctly. Thank you, gentlemen, for talking YHC…