Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Hoedown

Tuckahoe Elementary

It was a collaborative effort this AM in the gloom of Tuckahoe Elementary and Hoedown. An absent Q left 7 of us making it up on the fly…and making it up on the fly, we did. The Thang… Handshake took us on a nice little jaunt to the east side of the Walgreens parking lot. COT with some side straddle hops, Donkey Hoteys, LBCs, calf stretches, some LBCs, Mercans. The PAX then stayed and did a 3X Check…jog around the pharmacy, while the other two did dips and hand release mercans. EF Hutton took the spud from there and we…

A perfect 7 warriors gathered to start the week at Hoedown In a comfortable 60 degrees. Here’s how it went down: Mosey to Splinter’s favorite eternally wet grassy knoll for a warmup of: 20xSSH, 10xHC, 10xAC, 10xHRM, 10x Scorpion kicks and off to the Lindsay loop for a triple check: squats, LBC’s and the timer runs the loop. Native American back to the drop off loop for PLT’s 2×25 followed by 6 min running timer of ascending burpees. Partner 1 starts with 5 while second man is doing box cutters. Switch for 6, 7, 8…. for 6 min. Mosey over…

A lucky 7 emerged from the end of Spring Break, equipped with plenty of Easter candy to tackle all that was in store for them. According to the Easter Bunny, the following may have happened. Mosey over to 3rd Pres for COP. Report overhead flickering light to the appropriate Pax. So noted. Over to the back parking lot for indigenous people bear crawl. The pax at the end does 5 burpees, runs to catch up, taps the new 6, and takes point at the front. Somehow Fudd found us and joined mid-exercise. Over to the third parking lot where we…

5 of RVA’s finest lept from the Fartsack for this weeks Hoedown. At 9:45 pm YHC saw no Q on the sheet and decided to take it. With no plan in mind we wandered and triple checked with 5 people. COP Mosey to Triple Check 1 Mosey to Triple Check 2 Mosey to the bottom of Lindsay and complete 20 Bunny Hops followed by 20 Lunges of Squats to the top of the Hill Mosey back to campus for another Triple Check 2 Minutes of Mary Announcements – Spring Fest at Gomers Church (Trinity UMC) Saturday, April 15th. Whitesnakes Bluegrass…

My first Q at Hoedown since October. Mosey to front parking lot of school Disclaimer; In addition to the usual “I’m not a professional, modify” I added “watch out so you don’t trip and look out for cars”. That’s important too! SSH, MM Merkins, Knee-ups, Stretch Mosey to front parking lot of church. IWs, Diamond Merkins, Crunchy Frogs, stretch Mosey to back parking lot of church Line up parallel to building Burpee Broad jump to end of first handicap parking place, bear crawl to middle, crab walk to end of parking lot, mosey back: Burpee Broad jump to end of…

Ten fine gentlemen, including two from downrange, convened in the well lit parking lot of the former darkest AO in RVA. After exchanging comments about personal clothing choices and waiting for Fudd to arrive (on time no less), away we went. It was exactly as described below. Short mosey around the drop off loop, back up to the blacktop sea, almost all the way to the gaga pit. Circle up for disclaimer and COP: 20x SSH 10x Helicopters 10x Don Quixotes 7ishx reverse hip walk extensions 20x Mountain Climbers 10x Merkins 10x Scorpion Kicks 10x Freddie Mercuries The Thang Stay…

A full house hand of Aces and Jokers fought off the comfort and dryness of the fart sack to embrace the damp and cooler conditions of Tuckahoes darkest AO. Daylight savings would not hold these fine gents back. This is what was rumored to have occurred according to the safety cone placement specialist. Short Mosey over to the covered office park pavilion. Salutations and introductions ensued followed by quick warm up of SSH’s, Helis, Dead Man Hang, LBC’s, Dying Cockroaches, Suzanne Summers and light stretching. All seemed warm short mosey to the rear church lot THE THANG: Church Lot 11’s:…

16 veterans and 1 FNG joined for this weeks episode of Hoedown. YHC had been planning this workout for a few weeks but there was an extra twist when Swirly motivated another one of our coworkers to come out. YHC had been planning on repeating FNG workout (originally hosted by Honeydo) to celebrate the day, and with another coworker there as a FNG it was a great opportunity for us both to experience the same first workout 5 years apart. Here is what transpired: COP – Invisible Jump Ropes, Don Quioxtes, Merkins, Scorpion Kicks, Flutter Kicks Mosey to the back…

No Q late Sunday, Handshake made the call for a hawt potato. Things turned cold quickly: Handshake Q Mosey to the Third admin building COP Dead Man Hang Don Quixotes Ukranian Soldiers Helicopters SSHs Plankorama Inverted Scorpion Kicks Hand Release Merkins LBCs Imperial Walkers Mosey to Kanawha via Ziontown Audible Triple Check P1 – Run about 100 yds to the white SUV P2 – Hand Release Merkins P3 – Flutter Kicks EF Hutton Q Mosey back to the Third Church side lot Mini Self Dora 25 Hand Release Merkins, run a lap, repeato 50 Monkey Humpers, run a lap, repeato…

A perfectly divisible six converged on President’s Day. With some regulars no doubt heading to the Batteau revival, the six faithful Hoedowners forged onward. Here’s what happened: COP in the first Third Church lot: Yoga stretches // Imperial Walkers // Ukrainian Soldiers // APDs // LBCs // Hand release Merkins // Pickle Pounders // SSHs. Mosey to middle church lot Triple Check #1: P1: Squat Thrusters with Coupon // P2: American Hammers // P3: Run the lot Coupon work: Curls // Kettle Bell Swings // Bench Press. ICx20, 3 rounds. Mosey back to the school Elevens: Bearcrawl up the Concrete…

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